Q&A With Grey: One Million Subscribers Edition | Summary and Q&A

November 20, 2013
CGP Grey
YouTube video player
Q&A With Grey: One Million Subscribers Edition


Grey celebrates reaching one million subscribers, answers questions from viewers, and reflects on the challenges and rewards of being a YouTuber.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Grey is grateful for the support of his subscribers and enjoys connecting with them.
  • 🤗 He emphasizes the importance of being open to changing opinions and separating them from one's identity.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Producing high-quality videos takes time, and many projects end up being abandoned due to various reasons.


Q&A with Grey `#2 (One Million Subscribers) Hi. So I think this is the part where I'm supposed

to have a dramatic opening, perhaps the 2001 theme song playing in the background as the number 1,000,000 fades into view, but obviously that's not happening. Don't get me wrong, I'm lucky that so many people want to watch my videos. It's just that one ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What do you like most about being a YouTuber?

Grey appreciates the opportunity to connect with amazing people and have meaningful conversations, despite being an introvert.

Q: What's the biggest change of opinion you've had?

Although he doesn't share personal details, Grey emphasizes the importance of being able to change opinions and separate them from one's identity.

Q: Were you trying to create a unique aesthetic by using stick-figures?

No, Grey admits that he simply can't draw.

Q: Did your students know about your YouTube channel?

Grey believes that some of his students knew, but their level of interest was minimal compared to his classes.

Q: Why don't you have an upload schedule?

Grey explains that the time-consuming nature of producing high-quality videos and the high failure rate of projects make it impossible to stick to a fixed schedule.

Q: What's the biggest video you killed?

Grey mentions a failed video about the board game Settlers of Catan, which grew too long and became boring to create.

Q: Why don't you hire people to help you?

Grey believes that individual work has its own benefits and feels that his videos have benefited from being a one-man project.

Q: If you could transfer your brain into a robotic body, would you?

Grey enthusiastically expresses interest in such an idea.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Grey expresses gratitude for the support of his one million subscribers and shares a spreadsheet to help viewers understand the scale of this number.

  • He discusses the positive experiences of interacting with people through his YouTube channel and emphasizes the importance of being open to changing opinions.

  • Grey jokes about his stick-figure animation style, discusses the challenges of adjusting to life in London, and talks about his experience as a teacher.

  • He explains the lack of a fixed upload schedule and the process of creating videos, including the decision to abandon projects that aren't working.

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