Projectile motion (part 1) | One-dimensional motion | Physics | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

November 1, 2007
Khan Academy
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Projectile motion (part 1) | One-dimensional motion | Physics | Khan Academy


In this video, the presenter explains how to calculate the height of a cliff using projectile motion equations.

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Key Insights

  • ⌛ Projectile motion problems can be solved by understanding the formulas for change in distance, velocity, and time.
  • 🥡 Average velocity is calculated by taking the average of the initial and final velocities.
  • 💱 The formula for change in velocity is useful for solving projectile motion problems.
  • 🤘 It is important to consider the positive and negative signs when dealing with upward and downward motion.
  • 😥 The change in distance can be negative if the object falls below the reference point.
  • 👱 Projectile motion calculations assume no air resistance.
  • ❓ Calculations in projectile motion can be used to determine the height of a cliff.


Welcome back. I'm not going to do a bunch of projectile motion problems, and this is because I think you learn more just seeing someone do it, and thinking out loud, than all the formulas. I have a strange notion that I might have done more harm than good by confusing you with a lot of what I did in the last couple of videos, so hopefully I can und... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the goal of the presenter in this video?

The presenter aims to teach viewers how to calculate the height of a cliff using projectile motion equations.

Q: Why does the presenter use a negative sign for velocity and height?

The presenter follows the convention that upward motion is positive and downward motion is negative.

Q: Is it necessary to assume no air resistance in this problem?

Yes, for the calculations in this problem, it is assumed that there is no air resistance acting on the object.

Q: What can be understood from the negative height value obtained?

The negative height value indicates that the object has fallen below the reference point, which is assumed to be zero distance.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The presenter introduces a problem where they are at the top of a cliff and jump down. The goal is to determine the height of the cliff.

  • Using the formula for change in distance, which is equal to average velocity times time, the presenter explains the process of finding the average velocity and time.

  • By calculating the average velocity as -50 meters per second and the time as 10 seconds, the presenter determines that the height of the cliff is -500 meters.

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