Priyanka Chopra Jonas ON: This ONE SECRET Will Make You SUCCESSFUL In Life! | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

February 8, 2021
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Priyanka Chopra Jonas ON: This ONE SECRET Will Make You SUCCESSFUL In Life! | Jay Shetty

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In this interview, Priyanka Chopra Jonas discusses various aspects of her life and career, including her new memoir "Unfinished." She talks about the importance of pushing boundaries and not conforming to limitations imposed by others. Priyanka also shares advice she would give to her younger self and reveals surprising aspects of her life that are explored in her book. She emphasizes the need for women to be supported and taken seriously in their ambitions and discusses the power of thoughtfulness and awareness in relationships. Priyanka talks about her purpose in life, the truths she lives by, and her desire for growth and evolution in her career. Finally, she reflects on the importance of patience and balancing her drive for success with a sense of calmness and personal fulfillment.

Questions & Answers

Q: What advice would you give to your 17-year-old self?

I would tell my 17-year-old self to breathe, chill out, and not be so hard on myself. It's important to remember that life is a journey and that time heals everything. It's okay to take things one step at a time and not put too much pressure on oneself.

Q: What would your 17-year-old self advice you now?

My 17-year-old self would probably tell me to not get caught up in my busy schedule and to always remember to be excited and inspired by what I do. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of life, we forget to embrace the joy and passion in our work.

Q: What was the most exciting chapter of your life to reflect on and write about in your memoir?

Reflecting on my childhood was the most exciting chapter for me. It allowed me to revisit the sense of wonder and unlimited possibilities I felt during that time. I have fond memories of my childhood and the adventures I had, and it was refreshing to share those experiences in my book.

Q: How did you reignite your childhood memories for your memoir?

I connected with my family and friends from that time to corroborate the stories and memories. Memory can be a tricky thing, and different people may remember the same event differently. By speaking with those who were there, I was able to ensure the accuracy of my recollections.

Q: In what ways do you feel unfinished and what are you working on personally?

I believe I am continuously evolving and growing as a person. Even though I have achieved a lot in my career, there is still so much more I want to accomplish. I want to further build my career in both India and Hollywood, create more South Asian content, explore entrepreneurship, and contribute to philanthropy. Additionally, I am focusing on personal aspects such as setting up my foundation, nurturing my garden, and embracing the joy of watching trees grow.

Q: How do you define your purpose in life?

My purpose is to constantly push myself and find the next thing that challenges me and allows me to make an impact. I strive for growth and evolution in my career and aim to tell important stories and change narratives. I want to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.

Q: What are three truths that guide your decisions and your life?

The first truth is to be moved and inspired by the projects I choose to take on. I believe in being captivated by a story or an idea before committing to it. The second truth is to seek growth and not be complacent. I always want to challenge myself and explore new opportunities. The third truth is to be thoughtful and aware. I value being considerate of others and making their lives easier. Small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness go a long way in expressing love and support.

Q: How do you balance your drive for success and growth with patience and calmness?

I differentiate between my professional life and personal life. Professionally, I am driven and eager to achieve new things, which can manifest as impatience. However, personally, I embrace patience and a sense of calmness. I understand that not everything can happen overnight and that personal fulfillment is just as important as professional success. By compartmentalizing my life in this way, I am able to find balance and prioritize my well-being.

Q: How do you navigate relationships and ensure that your partner is supportive and in tune with your ambitions?

It is important to choose a partner who is interested in and excited about your dreams and aspirations. Support in a relationship can be demonstrated through giving space, appreciation, thoughtfulness, and being aware of the other person's needs. It is about making each other's lives easier and showing love without always asking for it in return. Thoughtful gestures and small acts of kindness can make a significant impact.

Q: How do you stay firm in your purpose and maintain your drive despite challenges and setbacks?

I am motivated by the impact and fulfillment I derive from my work. Even in the face of challenges and setbacks, my purpose keeps me focused and determined. I believe in the power of resilience and persistence. It is important to remember that setbacks are a part of the journey and that they do not define our overall success. With the right mindset and a clear vision of my purpose, I am able to navigate difficult times and continue pushing forward.


Priyanka Chopra Jonas's interview provides insights into her life and career, highlighting the importance of pushing boundaries, embracing opportunities, and inspiring others. She emphasizes the need for women to be taken seriously and supported in their ambitions. Priyanka's purpose lies in constantly evolving and making a difference through her work. Her three truths, including being moved and inspired, seeking growth, and being thoughtful and aware, guide her decisions and actions. Balancing drive with patience and maintaining a supportive relationship are essential in her life. Priyanka's journey and memoir reflect a sense of unfinished growth and the pursuit of excellence. Patience and resilience play significant roles in overcoming challenges and setbacks. Overall, Priyanka's unwavering determination and passion serve as an inspiration for others to dream big and create their own paths.

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