Preaching to the choir questions 5-9 | Summary and Q&A

May 27, 2015
Khan Academy
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Preaching to the choir questions 5-9


Singing in a choir can stimulate the brain, release endorphins, decrease stress, and promote emotional bonding.

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Key Insights

  • 🗯️ Singing in a choir stimulates the right temporal lobe of the brain and releases endorphins, resulting in pain relief and pleasurable feelings.
  • 🧑‍🎤 Choir singing decreases cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases oxytocin, which promotes emotional bonding.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Choir singing has been shown to improve mental health, alleviate depression, and reduce chronic pain.
  • 😒 Therapists use choir singing as a supplemental treatment due to its positive side effects on mental health.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Choir singing can act as a supplement to traditional treatments for depression and chronic pain, providing additional benefits.
  • 🧑‍🎤 Research at Oxford Brookes University found that choir singers reported the highest levels of happiness compared to solo singers or participants in organized sports.


we're now on question five people feel a keen sense of bonding when they sing together all right so that sentence seems like it's grammatically correct let's see what the question says which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph okay i see they either want us to say okay we could have no change and say this sentence is... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does singing in a choir stimulate the brain and release endorphins?

Singing in a choir stimulates the right temporal lobe of the brain and releases endorphins, which blunt pain and create pleasurable feelings.

Q: What hormonal reactions occur in the brain after choir singing?

Cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases, while oxytocin, which is associated with emotional bonding, increases after choir singing.

Q: How do endorphins and oxytocin contribute to the positive effects of choir singing?

Endorphins release during choir singing help alleviate pain and generate pleasurable emotions. Oxytocin promotes emotional bonding and feelings of connection.

Q: How does choir singing benefit mental health and alleviate depression?

Studies have shown that choir singing can improve mental health and alleviate depression, with 60% of patients reporting improved mental health and some no longer experiencing clinical depression.

Q: Why do therapists use choir singing as an element in treating depression and chronic pain?

Choir singing is used due to its positive side effects, such as stimulating the brain, releasing endorphins, decreasing stress, and promoting emotional bonding.

Q: How does choir singing serve as a supplement to traditional treatments for depression and chronic pain?

Choir singing can act as a supplement to traditional treatments by providing additional positive effects on mental health and well-being, above and beyond existing treatments.

Q: What evidence supports the positive effects of choir singing on mental health?

Research conducted at Oxford Brookes University showed that choir singers reported the highest levels of happiness compared to those who sang alone or participated in organized sports.

Q: How does choir singing impact the brain and overall well-being?

Choir singing stimulates the brain, releases endorphins, decreases stress, and promotes emotional bonding, all of which contribute to improved mental health and overall well-being.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Singing in a choir stimulates the right temporal lobe of the brain, releases endorphins, and engenders feelings of pleasure.

  • Choir singing decreases cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases oxytocin, which promotes emotional bonding.

  • Research shows that choir singing can improve mental health, alleviate depression, and reduce chronic pain.

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