Practical Ways to Confront Hyper-Partisanship in Health | Summary and Q&A

April 15, 2019
Harvard University
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Practical Ways to Confront Hyper-Partisanship in Health


Former Governor Jay Nixon discusses his experiences and lessons learned in working within a hyperpartisan ecosystem, emphasizing the importance of shared principles, respect, and personal credibility.

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Key Insights

  • 🫡 Shared principles, respect, and personal credibility are essential for effective leadership and mitigating hyperpartisanship.
  • 💍 Focusing on local issues and engaging constituents can have a significant impact on influencing legislative leaders.
  • 🤔 Evidence-based research, personal stories, and longer-term thinking can drive support for healthcare initiatives.
  • 😑 The decline in local press coverage and lack of resources may contribute to the spread of hyperpartisanship.
  • 🖐️ Universities and professional schools can play a crucial role in promoting accurate information, conducting research, and addressing long-term societal challenges.


[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1: Welcome to Voices in Leadership, live streamed worldwide from the leadership studio at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. I'm Dean Michelle Williams. The goal of Voices is to highlight the experiences of leaders confronting major public health frontiers and to better understand effective leadership and how it ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Governor Nixon address hyperpartisanship in a state where two-thirds of the opposite party controlled the legislature?

Governor Nixon emphasized the need to focus on shared principles, treat people with respect, and refocus efforts on local issues. He also highlighted the importance of thematically aligning people and maintaining a long-term vision for effective governance.

Q: How did Governor Nixon approach working with legislators from the opposite party?

Governor Nixon prioritized personal relationships and set ground rules for respectful and honest communication. He also made efforts to include legislators in events and activities, regardless of party affiliation, to foster collaboration and positive working relationships.

Q: How did Governor Nixon tackle the challenge of hyperpartisanship in healthcare, specifically Medicaid expansion?

While Governor Nixon failed to pass Medicaid expansion due to partisanship, he emphasized the importance of an outside-in strategy, working with communities to influence legislative leaders. He also highlighted the need for evidence-based research and personal stories to build coalitions and generate support for healthcare programs.

Q: Were there any issues that Governor Nixon found difficult to build coalitions on?

Governor Nixon mentioned issues related to guns and K-12 education as particularly challenging when it came to building coalitions. These issues often divide along partisan lines, making it difficult to find common ground.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Governor Jay Nixon successfully served as a Democrat governor in a traditionally red state, focusing on collaboration, shared principles, respect, and a long-term vision.

  • He prioritized building personal relationships with legislators and connecting with constituents in their districts to achieve bipartisan support for initiatives.

  • The governor demonstrated effective leadership in the aftermath of a devastating tornado, emphasizing the importance of cooperation, building trust, and fostering community resilience.

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