Peter Reinhardt on Finding Product Market Fit at Segment | Summary and Q&A

September 6, 2018
Y Combinator Podcast
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Peter Reinhardt on Finding Product Market Fit at Segment


Segment helps companies optimize their customer experience by organizing and analyzing all customer interactions across various channels.

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Key Insights

  • 🔛 Segment helps companies organize their internal data about customer interactions to provide a better customer experience. They bridge the gap between different digital channels and create a single record of customer interactions.
  • 👥 Segment's initial customers were small companies looking for better ways to integrate web and mobile apps with analytics tracking. Segment initially launched as an open-source library and gained traction among small companies.
  • 🔀 The open-source library that Segment initially launched didn't fully solve the coordination problem of customer interactions, leading them to develop a hosted version that allows for easier integration and coordination across different tools and channels.
  • 👓 Segment's first application as a classroom lecture tool didn't work out, and they had to pivot to an analytics tool for web and mobile apps, which eventually led to product-market fit.
  • 🌱 Segment discovered product-market fit for their data routing library by listening to customer feedback and iterating on their product, leading to exponential growth.
  • 🎯 A clear product vision is important for determining whether to prioritize customer-requested features. Segment prioritizes features that align with their long-term product vision, and they do not deviate from this vision for individual customer requests.
  • 🙌 Segment's values include karma, tribe, drive, and focus. They strive to have a positive impact, support each other, maintain motivation and focus, and stay customer-focused.
  • 💼 Y Combinator (YC) helped Segment with fundraising and provided a network of founders for support and learning opportunities.
  • 💪 It's important to hire the right people at the right time, such as a part-time CFO and advisors, to support different areas of the business.
  • ✈️ If Ryan wasn't working on Segment, he's interested in investing in companies working on space rocket engines and drone-based industrial inspections. He sees potential in disrupting traditional industries with innovative technology.


the average person probably doesn't know what segment is mm-hmm so could you explain for sure so segment helps companies give their customers a better customer experience and we do that by helping them organize all of their internal data about all their interactions with the customer so for example if you go to the bank they interact with you at th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Segment help companies improve their customer experience?

Segment helps companies optimize their customer experience by organizing and analyzing all customer interactions across various channels. By providing a single record of all customer interactions, Segment enables companies to coordinate and tailor their interactions with customers for a better experience.

Q: What are the different worlds that Segment bridges the gap between?

Segment bridges the gap between companies that built their own data pipelines in-house and those that relied on outdated CRM systems. It enables companies to track and analyze customer interactions across all digital channels, which is especially important in today's digital world.

Q: How did Segment start and who were its initial customers?

Segment initially launched as an open-source library on Hacker News and gained traction among small companies and founders looking for better analytics tracking for their web and mobile apps. Its first customers were the tech-savvy individuals hanging out on Hacker News.

Q: How did Segment pivot from its initial product idea to its current customer data infrastructure platform?

Segment initially started as a classroom lecture tool, but after facing challenges and realizing its product-market fit, the team pivoted to focus on building an analytics tool with advanced segmentation capabilities. This pivot was driven by the needs and feedback of early customers.


In this video, the speaker explains the concept of Segment and how it helps companies improve their customer experience by organizing all of their internal data about customer interactions. They also discuss the company's journey, from launching as an open source library to finding product-market fit, as well as their values and culture.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Segment?

Segment helps companies improve their customer experience by organizing all of their internal data about customer interactions. This includes data from various channels such as ATMs, phone call centers, web apps, mobile apps, and more. Their goal is to create a single record of all customer interactions for better coordination and understanding.

Q: How did Segment initially help bridge the gap between different customer interactions?

Segment originally launched as an open source library on Hacker News. They gained traction with small companies, especially founders looking for better ways to integrate analytics tracking into their web and mobile apps. They helped sort out the data pipeline mess and allowed for a single source of customer interaction data.

Q: How did the open source library unintentionally not solve the problem completely?

While the open source library helped with integrating analytics tracking, it didn't solve the issue of using new tools or sending data to new places. Each time a new tool or destination was added, the library needed to be recompiled and redeployed, which was not scalable. This led to the realization that a hosted version of the library would be more effective.

Q: What led to the decision to pivot to a different product?

The founders initially applied to Y Combinator as a classroom lecture tool. However, after a disastrous launch in classrooms, they realized the need for better analytics tracking. They decided to build an analytics tool for web and mobile apps, but struggled to acquire customers as they were competing with established tools like Google Analytics and Mixpanel.

Q: How did the idea for analytics j/s come about?

While working on the failed analytics tool, the founders had built a small library that abstracted the differences between various analytics tools and allowed them to send data to all three major platforms (Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and KISSmetrics). They realized that the library itself had potential and could be used as a growth hack to attract more customers. They open sourced the library and found traction among developers.

Q: How did the decision to pivot to analytics j/s come about?

The decision to pivot to analytics j/s came after a conversation with Paul Graham during office hours at Y Combinator. He questioned the team's progress after they had spent half a million dollars without any significant results. This forced them to reassess their situation and decide on a new direction. Through discussions and debates, they decided to refine and promote the analytics j/s library.

Q: How did the open source library lead to explosive growth?

After launching the library on Hacker News, they saw an overnight explosion of interest and adoption. Many developers found the library useful and started contributing to it. This growth helped them gain initial traction and customers, ultimately leading to their success.

Q: How did Segment enter the market of large-scale companies and expand their customer base?

Starting with small companies, Segment gradually transitioned to larger companies, such as banks and other enterprises. They gained credibility by gradually building their reputation and delivering value to their early customers. This helped them scale and attract larger customers over time.

Q: What challenges did Segment face in testing and iterating their product during the early stages?

Segment faced challenges in testing and getting feedback during the early stages. They beta tested the product in a few summer computer science classes, but encountered technical difficulties and didn't get a clear sense of what was working. They realized the need for in-session classes and a better testing process, which resulted in delays and setbacks.

Q: How did Segment discover the need to change their product after launching in classrooms?

Segment discovered the need to change their product after observing students using Facebook instead of their desktop app during a classroom session. This prompted them to reevaluate their product and its fit within an educational environment. They realized the need for a better analytics tool and started exploring that direction.


Segment helps companies improve their customer experience by organizing their internal data about customer interactions. Their journey from an open source library to finding product-market fit highlights the importance of testing, iterating, and finding the right market fit. Their values of karma, tribe, drive, and focus shape their culture and approach to building products. Understanding the customer deeply and using sales qualification criteria can lead to valuable insights and ideas for future products.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Segment helps companies organize and analyze their customer interactions across multiple channels.

  • The platform bridges the gap between different touchpoints, enabling a seamless customer experience.

  • Segment initially launched as an open-source library on Hacker News and gained traction among small businesses.

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