Personalised Medicine, AI and Space | Detina Zalli | TEDxSwansea | Summary and Q&A

March 14, 2024
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Personalised Medicine, AI and Space | Detina Zalli | TEDxSwansea


Our DNA is a language that contains instructions for our bodies, and understanding it can lead to personalized medicine and advancements in healthcare.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 DNA is the language that carries instructions for our bodies, and understanding it can lead to personalized medicine tailored to individual genetic variations.
  • 🧬 The Human Genome Project has provided valuable insights into DNA variations that can influence an individual's response to treatments.
  • 💁 Personalized medicine aims to combine genetic information, lifestyle, and environmental factors to design treatments specifically for each patient.
  • 🥺 Space research offers unique opportunities for studying cell behavior and molecular mechanisms, leading to advancements in various fields, including personalized medicine and organ transplantation.


thank you so much everyone well I came here today to tell you a secret and this secret is about all of you all of you this room are bilingual and not all of you but so are the 8 billion people around the world this means that you speak two different languages even those ones who think they speak one well let me clarify your doubts for those of you ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does our DNA influence our body's growth and functioning?

Our DNA contains genes that provide instructions for proteins, which are essential for cell growth, development, and functioning. It determines our physical traits and can also influence our predisposition to certain diseases.

Q: How does the Human Genome Project contribute to personalized medicine?

The Human Genome Project identified variations in DNA that can affect an individual's response to different treatments. By understanding these variations, doctors can determine the most effective treatment for each patient, leading to better outcomes.

Q: Why is personalized medicine important in the context of cancer treatment?

Cancer treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, have varying effectiveness for different patients. Personalized medicine allows doctors to tailor treatments based on a patient's genetic information, increasing the chances of successful treatment and minimizing side effects.

Q: How does space research contribute to advancements in healthcare?

Conducting experiments in microgravity environments in space allows scientists to study cell behavior and molecular mechanisms more accurately. This research can lead to a better understanding of diseases, such as cancer, and advancements in fields like 3D printing organs for transplantation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Our DNA is a language consisting of four letters: A, T, C, and G, and every cell in our body carries approximately two meters of DNA.

  • The Human Genome Project has mapped all the DNA subunits needed to build a human being, which allows for personalized medicine based on genetic variations.

  • Personalized medicine aims to provide treatments tailored to an individual's genetic information, lifestyle, and environment, leading to more effective and precise healthcare.

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