Permaculture: Producing food without destroying the planet | Summary and Q&A

October 1, 2021
DW Planet A
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Permaculture: Producing food without destroying the planet


Falk Gärtner demonstrates how permaculture, a sustainable farming method, can produce food without harming the environment, resulting in higher profitability.

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Key Insights

  • 🌱 Permaculture, a sustainable and regenerative farming method, is a viable alternative to industrial agriculture and can lead to more profitability.
  • 🌍 Permaculture aims to produce food without destroying the planet by creating a self-sustaining and circular food production system.
  • 🚜 Designing a permaculture farm involves considering factors such as landscape, water flow, and climate to optimize the use of resources.
  • 💧 Water conservation techniques, such as swales and mulching, are crucial in permaculture farming to combat dry ground and reduce water usage.
  • 🌱 Polycultures and diverse planting methods increase resilience and reduce crop failures, while also promoting biodiversity and reducing pests naturally.
  • 💰 Permaculture farming requires additional investment and may lead to higher produce prices, reflecting the true cost of sustainable and ethical practices.
  • 🌿 Organic farming and permaculture share similar principles and have become more popular despite facing challenges from big agriculture.
  • 🌾 Industrial agriculture can learn from permaculture by implementing composting, agroforestry, and soil-building practices, which have been proven successful on larger organic farms.


Usually, the playbook for modern agriculture goes like this: Buy a huge plot, plow the earth, plant one single crop. Fertilize, use pesticides, harvest. Buy a bigger plot, plow it to death, be forced to buy new seeds, plant the same super-engineered crop. Emit carbon, poison the soil, degrade the earth. And that – we're supposed to think – is the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does permaculture differ from traditional industrial agriculture?

Permaculture takes a holistic approach to farming, focusing on sustainability, biodiversity, and circular systems, while industrial agriculture emphasizes large monocultures and relies heavily on machinery, synthetic chemicals, and water-intensive practices.

Q: How does permaculture conserve water?

In permaculture, techniques like swales and mulching are used to capture and store water, preventing runoff and improving soil moisture retention. This reduces the need for excessive irrigation and wastage of water.

Q: How does permaculture promote biodiversity?

Permaculture encourages the creation of habitats and natural ecosystems within farm landscapes, which attract and support a diverse range of plants, animals, and insects. This promotes natural pest control and overall ecosystem health.

Q: Can permaculture be adopted on a larger scale?

While permaculture is often practiced on smaller-scale farms, there is potential for adaptation in larger agricultural systems. Techniques like agroforestry and crop diversification can be implemented to improve resilience and sustainability, although it may require initial investment and changes in farming practices.

Q: How does permaculture benefit farmers economically?

Despite the higher price of permaculture products, farmers like Falk Gärtner can achieve higher profitability due to reduced input costs, such as machinery and pesticides. Additionally, demand for sustainably produced food is growing, which can further support the economic viability of permaculture farms.

Q: What are the environmental benefits of permaculture?

Permaculture practices, such as soil conservation, reduced chemical usage, and increased biodiversity, help protect the environment and mitigate climate change. By minimizing soil degradation and carbon emissions, permaculture contributes to long-term food security and ecosystem health.

Q: How can permaculture influence the future of agriculture?

Permaculture serves as a model for sustainable agriculture, highlighting the importance of regenerative practices and the integration of ecological principles. As the negative impacts of industrial agriculture become more evident, adopting permaculture principles on a larger scale could be crucial for ensuring a sustainable future for food production.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Falk Gärtner runs a permaculture farm that follows sustainable practices, such as no toxins, multiple crops, and recycling waste.

  • Permaculture combines indigenous farming techniques with modern knowledge to create self-sustaining and circular food production systems.

  • Techniques like swales, mulching, and polycultures are used to conserve water, protect the soil, and increase biodiversity.

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