Percentage Trick - Solve precentages mentally - percentages made easy with the cool math trick! | Summary and Q&A

February 15, 2013
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Percentage Trick - Solve precentages mentally - percentages made easy with the cool math trick!


Learn how to quickly calculate percentages in your head, starting with simple percentages that have fives and tens.

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Key Insights

  • 🤬 The percent symbol (%) indicates a number out of 100, so percentages can be treated as fractions or decimals.
  • #️⃣ Key percentages to remember are 100% (the number itself), 50% (half the number), 10% (the number divided by 10), and 5% (half of 10%).
  • 🍳 To find a percentage of a number, break it down into known percentages and add them together.
  • ❓ Mental math skills can be developed with practice and familiarity with common percentages.
  • ✋ Calculating percentages becomes more challenging with non-divisible numbers by fives and tens.
  • #️⃣ Rapidly subtracting and multiplying numbers can enhance mental math abilities.
  • 🤩 Practice is key to improving mental math skills and becoming more efficient in calculations.


hello and welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is we're going to be having a look at a way of working out percentages in your head uh it's going to start out in this video we're just going to be looking at fairly simple percentages say ones that have fives and tens in them 15% of a number or or 25% ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you work out 15% of 80 in your head?

To find 15% of a number, you can break it down into 10% and 5%. In this case, 10% of 80 is 8, and 5% is half of 10%, so it equals 4. Adding these together gives you the answer of 12.

Q: How do you calculate 60% of 42 mentally?

To find 60% of 42, break it down into 50% and 10%. 50% of 42 is 21, and 10% is obtained by moving the decimal place one spot to the left, resulting in 4.2. Adding these together gives you the answer of 25.2.

Q: What is the approach to finding 95% of 720?

For calculating 95% of a number, start with 100% (the number itself) and subtract 5% from it. In this case, 100% of 720 is 720, and 5% is found by moving the decimal place one spot to the left, resulting in 36. Subtracting 36 from 720 gives you the answer of 684.

Q: How can I quickly calculate 25% of 860?

There are two methods: dividiing by 4 or breaking it down into 10% and 5%. Dividing 860 by 4 gives you 215. Alternatively, 10% is 86 and 5% is half of 10%, which gives you 43. Adding these together also gives you 215.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explains how to work out percentages in your head, focusing on percentages with fives and tens (e.g., 15%, 25%, 50%).

  • Understanding the concept of percentages is crucial, as it represents a number out of 100.

  • The key to quickly calculating percentages is to know the values for 100%, 50%, 10%, and 5% of a number.

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