Percentage Math Trick 2 - Solve percentages mentally - percentages made easy! | Summary and Q&A

February 19, 2013
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Percentage Math Trick 2 - Solve percentages mentally - percentages made easy!


This video teaches a simple method for calculating percentages mentally, using examples of 12% of 80, 50%, 10%, 5%, and 1% of a number.

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Key Insights

  • 🗂️ Percentages represent a value out of 100, where percent means divided by 100.
  • 🤩 Key percentages to remember for mental calculations are 100%, 50%, 10%, 5%, and 1%.
  • 😥 Mental calculation of percentages involves moving the decimal point and basic arithmetic operations.
  • 🥳 Breaking down percentages into smaller parts makes mental calculations easier.
  • ❓ Practice and familiarity with these methods can improve mental math skills.
  • ❓ Writing down calculations and using a calculator initially may be helpful for learning and verifying results.
  • 🛀 The method shown in the video provides a systematic approach to mentally calculating percentages.


good day and welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is a way of working out percentages of an amount mentally okay so anyway without much further Ado I'll give you an example so I'll give you 5 Seconds to answer this one can you do 12% of 80 okay waking your times's up hopefully you got the answer of ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I mentally calculate percentages of a number?

To mentally calculate percentages, understand that percent means out of 100. For 100% of a number, the answer is the number itself. For 50%, divide the number by 2. For 10%, move the decimal point one place to the left. For 5%, halve the result of 10%. For 1%, move the decimal point two places to the left.

Q: What is the method for calculating percentages like 12% mentally?

To calculate 12% of a number mentally, break it down into 10% and 2 x 1%. Calculate 10% by moving the decimal point one place to the left, and calculate 1% by moving the decimal point two places to the left. Add the results together.

Q: How can I calculate 51% of a number mentally?

To mentally calculate 51% of a number, consider it as 50% plus 1%. Halve the number to calculate 50%, and move the decimal point two places to the left to calculate 1%. Add the results together.

Q: What is the method for calculating 98% of a number mentally?

To calculate 98% of a number mentally, start with 100% and subtract 2 x 1%. Determine 100% as the number itself. Multiply 1% by 2 by moving the decimal point two places to the left. Subtract the calculated value from 100% to get the result.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video demonstrates how to mentally calculate percentages of a given number using the concepts of percent (out of 100) and various key percentages such as 100%, 50%, 10%, 5%, and 1%.

  • 100% of a number is the number itself, 50% is half the number, 10% is moving the decimal point one place to the left, 5% is half of 10% or moving the decimal point one place to the left and halving the result, and 1% is moving the decimal point two places to the left.

  • To calculate percentages such as 12%, you can break it down as 10% plus 2 x 1%, and add the results together.

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