Percentage Change | Summary and Q&A

April 5, 2020
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Percentage Change


Learn how to calculate percentage change between two numbers, including increases and decreases, using simple steps and a formula.

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Key Insights

  • 😑 Calculating percentage change involves determining the difference between two numbers and expressing it as a fraction or decimal of the original amount.
  • 🥶 The formula (new amount - old amount) / old amount * 100 simplifies the calculation of percentage change.
  • 🪡 Reversing a percentage change requires determining the amount needed to increase or decrease to reach the original value.
  • 💱 Negative percentage change indicates a decrease, while positive percentage change indicates an increase.
  • 📈 Understanding the concept of percentage change is useful for analyzing trends and fluctuations in various scenarios.
  • 🎮 The steps provided in the video offer a straightforward approach to calculating percentage change.
  • ◀️ The examples demonstrate how to apply the formula and reverse percentage change.


good day welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is how to work out the percentage change between two numbers pretty simple it's either going be an increase or a decrease so we're going to start off and have a look at a couple of these then what we're going to have a look at is the formula which you ca... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you calculate percentage change between two numbers?

To calculate percentage change, subtract the old amount from the new amount. Then, divide this difference by the original amount and multiply by 100 to get the percentage change.

Q: What formula can be used to calculate percentage change?

The formula for percentage change is (new amount - old amount) / old amount * 100. This formula helps calculate the percentage change between two numbers.

Q: Can percentage change be negative?

Yes, percentage change can be negative. A negative percentage change indicates a decrease in value, while a positive percentage change indicates an increase in value.

Q: How do you reverse a percentage change?

To reverse a percentage change, determine the desired end value and the current value. Then, calculate the difference between them as a decimal and multiply by 100 to get the percentage change needed to reach the desired value.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video provides simple steps to calculate percentage change between two numbers, involving determining the difference and expressing it as a fraction of the original number.

  • It introduces a formula for calculating percentage change, which involves subtracting the old amount from the new amount and dividing it by the original amount.

  • The video also discusses how to reverse a percentage change, showing examples of how to calculate the amount needed to increase or decrease to return to the original value.

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