Pathetic Ransomware Builders | Empty Threats | Summary and Q&A

December 1, 2017
The PC Security Channel
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Pathetic Ransomware Builders | Empty Threats


A fake ransomware builder actually encrypts no files and creates additional files instead.

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Key Insights

  • 🎭 Beware of fake ransomware builders that claim to encrypt files but actually do not perform any encryption.
  • 🧑‍💻 Scammers often target non-tech-savvy individuals who may be more vulnerable to deception.
  • 🐕‍🦺 It is crucial to stay informed and not fall for scams that claim to offer sophisticated ransomware services.
  • 🧚 The ransomware industry has its fair share of unethical and incompetent individuals who create ineffective malware.
  • 🍂 The video emphasizes the importance of staying secure and not falling victim to fraudulent practices.
  • 📁 Ransomware can cause significant harm by encrypting and restricting access to important files.
  • 😒 Scammers may use fear and urgency to manipulate victims into paying the ransom without verifying the ransomware's capabilities.


most of you are probably aware of France more as a service but as in every industry sometimes the service is really really crappy today we're taking a look at a ransomware builder that is all bark and no bite let me just check to make sure yep so the sample we have here claims to create a custom ransomware let's see what it does so as soon as we ex... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the fake ransomware builder claim to work?

The fake ransomware builder claims to create custom ransomware by setting a Bitcoin address, charging an amount, and generating an encryption key.

Q: Does the ransomware builder encrypt files as promised?

No, the ransomware builder does not encrypt any files. Instead, it creates additional files on the user's computer.

Q: What happens if the user follows the instructions to pay the ransom?

If the user pays the ransom, nothing happens since the fake ransomware does not actually encrypt the files. It is a scam.

Q: Why are scammers creating ineffective ransomware?

Some scammers target individuals who are not tech-savvy and may be easily confused. They hope to deceive them into paying a small amount of money before realizing the scam.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A ransomware builder claims to create custom ransomware but fails to encrypt any files.

  • Instead of encrypting files, the ransomware builder generates new files, creating the opposite of its intended effect.

  • The video highlights the dangers of scammers creating ineffective ransomware that may deceive non-tech-savvy individuals.

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