Paleontologist Trevor Valle Debunks "Dinosaurs Never Existed" Conspiracy | Summary and Q&A

October 20, 2016
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Paleontologist Trevor Valle Debunks "Dinosaurs Never Existed" Conspiracy

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This video claims that dinosaurs never existed, arguing that their existence is a result of unchecked blogging and videos that create an illusion of expertise. The speaker challenges these claims by providing detailed answers to debunk the video's misinformation.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the speaker argue against the claim that dinosaurs never existed?

The speaker argues against this claim because it is based on unfounded conspiracy theories and misinformation. They point out that the existence of dinosaurs has been well-documented through fossil discoveries and scientific research.

Q: How were dinosaurs first hypothesized to exist?

Dinosaurs were first speculatively hypothesized in the mid-19th century by scientists during the heyday of evolutionism. However, dinosaur fossils had already been discovered about a century before this hypothesis, proving the claim that dinosaurs never existed to be false.

Q: What evidence supports the existence of dinosaurs?

The discovery of dinosaur fossils all around the world provides evidence for their existence. Scientists have found and studied numerous dinosaur fossils, including complete or near-complete skeletons, proving that dinosaurs were real creatures that lived millions of years ago.

Q: Are all dinosaur fossils reconstructions?

While not all dinosaur fossils are complete, many complete or near-complete dinosaur skeletons have been found. The speaker discusses the process of fossil preservation and the meticulous work done by paleontologists to excavate and preserve fossils accurately.

Q: Are dinosaur discoveries solely made by professionals?

No, dinosaur discoveries are not solely made by professionals. People from various walks of life, such as farmers, hikers, construction workers, and recreational individuals, have stumbled upon dinosaur fossils. These discoveries often occur unintentionally and are later confirmed by professionals.

Q: Are all major dinosaur discoveries part of a conspiracy?

The speaker refutes the claim that major dinosaur discoveries are part of a conspiracy. They explain that remarkable finds, such as large quantities of fossils in a specific area, are often the result of well-organized scientific expeditions, not fabrications or forgeries.

Q: Are dinosaur bones planted to create impressive finds?

The video suggests that dinosaur bones are planted to create impressive finds. However, the speaker argues that paleontologists have no incentive to fabricate fossils, as their work is based on scientific integrity and furthering our understanding of the past, rather than making profit.

Q: Is there pressure for museums to produce popular displays?

While museums aim to create displays that are popular and appeal to visitors, this does not mean that they create fake or unreal dinosaur findings. Museums rely on accurate scientific research and use casts and replicas to display fossils, ensuring that the public can engage with and learn from them.

Q: Why does the mainstream media cover alleged dinosaur finds?

The mainstream media covers alleged dinosaur finds because dinosaurs remain a subject of public interest. However, the speaker emphasizes that this does not imply that the scientific community is engaged in a conspiracy or that the validity of dinosaur finds is compromised.

Q: What are the reasons for the speaker's strong reaction to the video?

The speaker strongly reacts to the video because it spreads misinformation and falsely discredits the field of paleontology. They express frustration with the conspiracy theories and the lack of critical engagement by viewers, calling for a more informed and rational approach to scientific discussions.


This video and the claims made within it are based on conspiracy theories and misinformation. The existence of dinosaurs has been substantiated by numerous discoveries of dinosaur fossils worldwide. The video's attempt to dismiss dinosaurs as non-existent is unfounded and goes against a vast body of scientific research. It is crucial to critically evaluate information and rely on credible sources when exploring scientific topics.

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