OpenAI Playground Assistant is POWERFUL! Here's how to BUILD one... | Summary and Q&A

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OpenAI Playground Assistant is POWERFUL! Here's how to BUILD one...


GPTs live, create assistant in 5 mins, optimize tasks efficiently for a fraction of the cost.

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Key Insights

  • 🛃 GPTs enable the creation of custom assistants for task automation.
  • 👻 Retrieval functionality in assistants allows for knowledge extraction from uploaded files.
  • 🧑‍🦽 AI assistants optimize task efficiency and reduce manual effort.
  • 📁 Integration of custom files and functions enhances assistant capabilities.
  • ⌛ Automated task breakdown using AI assistants saves time and resources.
  • 🇨🇷 AI assistants provide cost-effective solutions for optimizing tasks.
  • ❓ Preview models like GPT 4 Turbo offer advanced features for assistant customization.


now whether you've been chaotic evil or lawful good Christmas comes early today as gpts are live for all Chad GPT plus subscribers but wait that's not all because also we can create our own assistants gpts and assistants were the two big things that were announced at the openi development conference in this video I'll show you how to build your ver... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can you create your own assistant using GPTs?

You can create your own assistant by following the steps outlined in the tutorial, naming it, providing role instructions, and uploading a transcript for task automation.

Q: What are the benefits of using AI assistants for task optimization?

AI assistants can automate time-consuming tasks efficiently, saving valuable time and reducing manual effort, making processes more streamlined and cost-effective.

Q: What is the cost associated with using AI assistants for task automation?

The cost of using AI assistants is relatively low, as shown in the tutorial, where a task that took 20 minutes manually can be automated for a fraction of the cost, making it a cost-effective solution.

Q: How can custom files and functions be integrated into AI assistants?

Custom files and functions can be integrated into AI assistants by uploading relevant files, adding code interpreters, and specifying necessary information for personalized task execution.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tutorial on creating a custom assistant using GPTs on Open AI platform.

  • Instructions on naming the assistant and providing role details.

  • Demonstration of uploading a transcript and automating task breakdown.

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