On "Quitting" YouTube | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
Marques Brownlee
YouTube video player
On "Quitting" YouTube


Many YouTubers are retiring or scaling back, highlighting the challenges of creative jobs, but it's important to stay true to the core creativity that inspired their passion.

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Key Insights

  • 💦 Being a YouTuber is a dream job for many, but it requires hard work, dedication, and constant adaptation to the ever-changing landscape of content creation.
  • 😃 The demands of scaling up and managing non-creative tasks can overshadow the joy of being creative.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Retiring or reducing content creation doesn't mean the end of a creative career; it often represents a focus on the core aspects and finding new opportunities.
  • 🤠 Creative jobs, like being a video creator, involve wearing multiple hats, and finding the right balance between creativity and management is essential.
  • 👶 Each video creator has their own unique journey, and there is no playbook for success in this relatively new field.
  • 🫵 It is important to maintain the passion for creativity and not get too caught up in the pursuit of fame, views, and algorithmic changes.
  • 😤 Building a team to assist with non-creative tasks can help alleviate some of the workload, but certain core creative aspects should always be retained by the creator.


all right so in the past couple of weeks and months there's been a lot of YouTubers quitting a lot of YouTuber a lot of OG creators from people who been doing it 8 9 10 12 15 years Legends and people who we all are familiar with who've been around YouTube for a long time retiring or leaving or cutting back or whatever you want to call it and yeah I... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are many YouTubers retiring or reducing their content creation?

Many YouTubers are retiring or cutting back because the job has become bigger, more complicated, and demanding. They may also want to explore different creative opportunities or focus on other aspects of their lives.

Q: How does the analogy of being a professional athlete relate to being a YouTuber?

Just like turning a passion for playing basketball into a professional career requires dedication and hard work, being a YouTuber also demands a lot of time, effort, and creative skills. Both jobs require perseverance and the willingness to work for free for a long time before turning it into a full-time job.

Q: Why do creative jobs not scale like regular jobs?

Creative jobs, such as being a video creator, involve constantly coming up with new and unique ideas. As creators engage in new opportunities and scale up, they have to spend more time on non-creative tasks like management, communication, and other administrative duties, which takes away from the core creative aspect.

Q: How can video creators avoid burnout and maintain their creative focus?

The key is to be deliberate about keeping the original goal and the passion for creativity at the core of everything. It's important to resist the distractions of fame, money, and views and stay true to the joy of making videos. Finding the right pace and balance on the "treadmill" of content creation is crucial.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many long-time YouTubers are retiring or cutting back on their content creation.

  • Being a YouTuber is a dream job, but it is still a job that can become overwhelming and complicated.

  • The creative aspect of being a video creator often gets overshadowed by the demands of scaling up, managing teams, and dealing with other non-creative tasks.

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