Nobel Banquet speech, Orhan Pamuk, 2006 | Summary and Q&A

December 2, 2008
Nobel Prize
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Nobel Banquet speech, Orhan Pamuk, 2006

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Orhan Pamuk, the Nobel laureate in literature, answers the frequently asked question of why he writes. He explains that he gives different answers each time, but ultimately, he writes because it makes him feel good and happy. Writing allows him to pursue the childish happiness he felt when he painted as a child. He believes literature is about preserving one's childishness and keeping the child inside alive. Pamuk also reflects on receiving the Nobel Prize and how it made him feel like a prince, bringing back the tender smiles of his childhood. He concludes that writing allows him to maintain that princely feeling and he will continue to write for that reason.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do people often ask Orhan Pamuk why he writes?

People often ask Orhan Pamuk why he writes because they are curious about the motive behind dedicating time and effort to writing, which can be seen as a strange and impossible activity.

Q: How does Orhan Pamuk typically respond to the question of why he writes?

Orhan Pamuk gives different answers each time he is asked why he writes. Sometimes, he admits that he does not know the exact reason, but writing makes him feel good. Other times, he states that he writes because he is angry. Most of the time, however, he writes to be alone in a room and to pursue the joyful happiness he felt as a child.

Q: What childhood aspiration does Orhan Pamuk mention?

Orhan Pamuk wanted to be a painter when he was a child. He painted every day and still feels a sense of childlike joy and happiness whenever he writes. Writing allows him to chase that feeling he had while painting.

Q: How does Orhan Pamuk link literature and writing to happiness?

Orhan Pamuk believes that literature and writing are closely connected to happiness, or the lack of it. He recalls his childhood, where he felt happy and painted a lot, and everyone around him was gentle, polite, and tender. Writing allows him to preserve his childishness and experience that happiness throughout his life.

Q: What question did people ask Orhan Pamuk after the publication of his autobiographical book "Istanbul"?

After the publication of "Istanbul," some people asked Orhan Pamuk if he was too young to write his autobiography. He finds it amusing that people questioned his age for writing an autobiography.

Q: What has been the most frequently asked question since Orhan Pamuk received the Nobel Prize?

The most frequently asked question since Orhan Pamuk received the Nobel Prize is how it feels to be a Nobel laureate. People are curious about his emotions and experiences after being recognized with such a prestigious award.

Q: How does Orhan Pamuk describe receiving the Nobel Prize?

Orhan Pamuk describes receiving the Nobel Prize as a joyous experience. He feels like a prince because everyone around him is constantly smiling, gentle, polite, and tender. This award brings back the tender smiles and kindness he experienced during his childhood.

Q: What realization does Orhan Pamuk have regarding the timing of receiving the Nobel Prize?

Orhan Pamuk realizes that he received the Nobel Prize at a relatively late age, at 50. However, he believes that he should have received it much earlier, even earlier than his childhood. He humorously suggests that he should have received the prize two weeks after he was born, so he could have enjoyed feeling like a prince all his life.

Q: Why does Orhan Pamuk continue to write?

Orhan Pamuk continues to write because it allows him to maintain the princely feeling of being a child. Writing keeps his childishness alive and brings him happiness. Therefore, he will continue to write for this reason.

Q: How does Orhan Pamuk tie together the reasons behind his writing and receiving the Nobel Prize?

Orhan Pamuk connects the reasons behind his writing and receiving the Nobel Prize by highlighting the tender smiles of his childhood. The prize brought back those tender smiles and the kindness of strangers, reminding him of the happy feeling he had as a child. He believes that is why he writes and why he will continue to write.


Orhan Pamuk shares his personal reasons for writing and receiving the Nobel Prize, highlighting the connection between his writing and the happiness of his childhood. He writes to maintain the childlike joy he felt when he painted and finds literature to be about preserving one's childishness. Receiving the Nobel Prize made him feel like a prince, bringing back the tender smiles of his youth. Despite receiving the accolade at a later age, he continues to write to maintain that princely feeling and preserve his happiness.

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