Desmond Tutu on leadership | Summary and Q&A

November 9, 2007
Nobel Prize
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Desmond Tutu on leadership

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In this video, the speaker discusses the qualities of a good leader. They emphasize the importance of a leader being a servant, not seeking self-glorification, and being willing to suffer for the sake of those they are serving. The speaker also highlights the actions of prominent leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama, who have demonstrated these qualities.

Questions & Answers

Q: What qualities make a good leader?

In the speaker's opinion, a good leader is someone who is a servant at heart. They lead not for their own aggrandizement but for the sake of others. They are willing to suffer and make sacrifices for the people they serve, just like Nelson Mandela, who was in jail for 27 years, or Mother Teresa, who lived amongst the poor. These leaders exemplify the characteristic of being sacrificial for the greater good.

Q: Can you give more examples of leaders who possess these qualities?

Certainly! Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. are other notable leaders who displayed servant leadership. Both of them fought for justice and equality, inspiring millions of people to join their causes. Aung San Suu Kyi is another leader who, despite being silenced for many years, remains an inspiration for the people of Burma. These leaders demonstrate the ability to inspire and lead others by embodying the best qualities of their respective communities.

Q: How does a good leader inspire their followers?

A good leader inspires their followers by being an embodiment of the people and their aspirations. They become the symbol of the best qualities within the community, representing their hopes, dreams, and values. Additionally, they must have the ability to inspire others to take action and make positive changes, even in dire circumstances.

Q: Is being a servant leader the only important quality for a leader?

While being a servant leader is crucial, there are other qualities that contribute to effective leadership as well. For example, a leader must have integrity, empathy, and good communication skills. They should be able to listen to the needs of their followers and make decisions that benefit the collective whole. Adaptability, resilience, and strategic thinking are also important qualities for navigating complex challenges.

Q: Can anyone become a good leader?

Absolutely! While certain individuals may possess natural leadership qualities, leadership is ultimately a skill that can be developed and nurtured. Leadership can be learned through experience, education, and mentorship. By continuously seeking personal growth and self-improvement, anyone can become a good leader.

Q: Are there any common mistakes that leaders should avoid?

Yes, there are several mistakes that leaders should be mindful of. One common mistake is becoming too focused on personal gain and losing sight of the greater good. Another mistake is failing to listen to the concerns and ideas of their followers. Effective leaders should also avoid being overly authoritarian or unwilling to delegate tasks. Trust and collaboration are essential in leadership, so leaders should strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Q: How can leaders earn the trust of their followers?

Trust is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. Leaders can earn the trust of their followers by being transparent, honest, and consistent in their words and actions. They should also lead by example and demonstrate integrity in all their dealings. By actively listening to their followers, empathizing with their needs, and taking their opinions into account, leaders can foster trust and build strong relationships with those they lead.

Q: What role does self-reflection play in leadership?

Self-reflection is essential for effective leadership. By taking the time to introspect and evaluate their own actions, leaders can identify areas for growth and improvement. Self-reflection allows leaders to gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and biases, enabling them to make better decisions and lead with more empathy and self-awareness.

Q: How can leaders adapt to changing circumstances?

In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is crucial for leaders. They must be open to new ideas, perspectives, and technologies. Leaders need to continuously develop their skills and knowledge to navigate unfamiliar situations. By staying informed, seeking feedback, and actively seeking solutions, leaders can successfully adapt to changing circumstances and lead their followers through challenges.

Q: Can a leader be successful without inspiring their followers?

While a leader may achieve short-term success without inspiring their followers, long-term success and sustainable growth require the ability to inspire. An uninspiring leader may face difficulties in motivating their team, fostering loyalty, and retaining top talent. True leadership goes beyond achieving personal goals - it involves empowering others, creating a vision, and inspiring meaningful action towards a shared purpose.


In conclusion, a good leader is one who is a servant at heart and leads with selflessness and sacrifice. They inspire their followers by embodying the best qualities of the community they serve. While servant leadership is essential, other qualities such as integrity, empathy, and effective communication also contribute to effective leadership. Trust, adaptability, and self-reflection are crucial for building strong relationships and navigating challenges. Ultimately, leadership is a skill that can be developed, and anyone can become a good leader by continuously seeking personal growth and learning from the examples of great leaders throughout history.

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