No Such Thing As Artificial Intelligence | Two Minute Papers #60 | Summary and Q&A

April 24, 2016
Two Minute Papers
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No Such Thing As Artificial Intelligence | Two Minute Papers #60


Debating whether a technique is considered artificial intelligence or not is pointless due to the lack of agreed-upon definitions.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Debating AI is ultimately an argument about definitions.
  • 🥺 The lack of a clear and agreed-upon definition of AI leads to futile arguments.
  • ❓ AI techniques that were once considered mysterious become ordinary as they are better understood.
  • 😫 AI should not be perceived as a mystical concept, but rather as a set of mathematical operations.
  • ❓ Clarifying the definition of AI enables more meaningful discussions and conclusions.
  • ❓ The perception of AI as futuristic hinders understanding and progress.
  • ❓ Deep learning, despite its complexities, is a series of mathematical operations.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Whether a technique can be deemed as artificial intelligence or not, is a question that I would like to see exiled from future debates and argumentations. Of course, anyone may take part in any debate of their liking, I would, however, like to point out the futility of such ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is debating whether a technique is artificial intelligence or not futile?

Debates about AI are fundamentally about the definition of AI, which lacks consensus. Without a clear definition, arguing about whether a technique falls within the category of AI is meaningless.

Q: How is the definition of artificial intelligence problematic?

The definition of AI is vague and encompasses terms like learning, understanding, and dealing with new situations. These terms themselves are ill-defined, making it impossible to have a clear understanding of AI.

Q: Is the perception of AI as a mystical and future-oriented concept accurate?

No, AI is often imagined as something mysterious and futuristic, but in reality, many AI techniques are well-understood mathematical operations. This misconception leads to the futile arguments about what qualifies as AI.

Q: How can futile arguments about AI be resolved?

By first establishing a clear definition of AI, it becomes easier to determine whether a particular technique falls under the category or not. Defining the terms allows for a more productive discussion.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The debate about artificial intelligence is not about the algorithms themselves but about the definition of AI.

  • The definition of AI is vague and ill-defined, leading to futile arguments.

  • Techniques that were once considered AI become demystified as they are better understood.

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