Night Flight - Light Trails / Light Painting - Smarter Every Day | Summary and Q&A

September 29, 2009
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Night Flight - Light Trails / Light Painting - Smarter Every Day


Learn how to create stunning open-shutter photographs using unconventional light sources.

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Key Insights

  • 🙂 Open-shutter photography allows for creative experimentation with light and motion, resulting in visually captivating images.
  • 🙂 Unconventional light sources, such as color-changing objects, bouncing balls, and unique toys, can add an extra dimension to open-shutter photography.
  • 🤗 Exploring open-shutter photography indoors opens up a world of possibilities for creative experimentation.
  • 🤗 Camera stability is crucial in open-shutter photography to prevent blurriness caused by hand-held shots.
  • 😀 Long-exposure apps or settings can be used on smartphones for open-shutter photography, even without professional-level cameras.
  • 🤗 Open-shutter photography is a fun and engaging activity that can be enjoyed by amateurs and professionals alike.
  • 🤗 Different objects and motions can produce varied effects in open-shutter photography, encouraging endless creativity.


Hey it's me Destin We like to do a lot of weird things with our cameras. So one thing I was going to show you is how to do some real neat things with open-shutter photography. Basically, you open the shutter for an extended period of time and then you do something neat and then you close the shutter and then you look at your image. So you can compi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is open-shutter photography?

Open-shutter photography is a technique where the camera shutter is left open for a longer duration to capture continuous light trails and movements.

Q: How can I use unconventional light sources for open-shutter photography?

Unconventional light sources, such as color-changing objects or light-up toys, can create unique and visually appealing effects in open-shutter photography. Experiment with different objects and motions to achieve your desired results.

Q: Do I need any special equipment for open-shutter photography?

While a camera with manual control over shutter speed is ideal, you can still achieve open-shutter effects with a smartphone by using long-exposure apps or settings. Tripods or stable surfaces are recommended to prevent camera shake during long exposures.

Q: Can I try open-shutter photography indoors?

Absolutely! The video promises to show viewers some open-shutter photography ideas that can be executed within the comfort of their own homes. Stay tuned to explore these options.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explores the concept of open-shutter photography, where the shutter is left open for an extended period of time to capture light trails and movements.

  • The host demonstrates the technique using various light sources, including a color-changing frisbee, a light-up bouncing ball, and an X-Zylo gyroscope.

  • The video showcases the resulting photos and provides inspiration for viewers to try open-shutter photography with their own light sources.

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