Next Unicorns: Building the future of healthcare communication with Abridge CEO Shiv Rao | E1784 | Summary and Q&A

July 26, 2023
This Week in Startups
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Next Unicorns: Building the future of healthcare communication with Abridge CEO Shiv Rao | E1784


Abridge, an AI platform, converts verbal conversations between doctors and patients into structured notes, saving doctors time and reducing errors.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Abridge is addressing the critical issue of physician burnout and administrative burden in healthcare by using AI technology to automate and streamline documentation tasks.
  • 😨 The platform has received positive feedback from clinicians, who report significant time savings and improved focus on patient care.
  • ❓ Abridge's ability to transcribe and summarize conversations accurately and efficiently has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and make it more accessible to underserved populations.
  • 👻 The platform's impact extends beyond administrative tasks, as it allows for better communication, coordination, and understanding between doctors and patients.
  • 🥺 As AI technology continues to advance, there is the potential for even greater integration in healthcare, leading to more personalized and efficient care.
  • ✋ The trust and credibility of AI in healthcare are crucial, and Abridge is committed to building transparent and reliable models to ensure the highest level of quality and accuracy.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The healthcare industry is experiencing a significant shift towards embracing technology and AI, driven by factors such as clinician burnout and the recognition of the potential benefits of these innovations.


that's the thing that's blowing my mind more than anything else in 2023 is that Health Care is moving at the pace that it is with this technology is it really moving faster finally it is moving so fast why did they go from not moving fast to moving fast is it just because it's so broken and they're so exhausted and they they're finally ready to cap... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Abridge and how does it assist doctors and patients?

Abridge is an AI platform that converts conversations between doctors and patients into structured notes, allowing doctors to focus on patient care instead of administrative tasks. It organizes and extracts key information to support diagnoses, treatment plans, and billing coding.

Q: How does Abridge address patient privacy and data security concerns?

Abridge adheres to HIPAA regulations and takes data privacy and security seriously. It encrypts and securely stores patient data, ensuring that it remains confidential and protected. Abridge also provides patients with control over their data and allows them to opt out if they prefer not to use the platform.

Q: Can Abridge be used for triage or urgent care purposes?

While Abridge is primarily designed to assist doctors in documenting and organizing conversations, its capabilities could be expanded in the future to aid in triage or urgent care settings. However, it is not currently positioned as a chatbot or virtual doctor service.

Q: How does Abridge improve patient outcomes?

Abridge's structured notes and summarization of conversations help doctors make more informed decisions, leading to improved patient outcomes. It reduces errors, allows for better coordination of care, and facilitates communication between doctors and patients.


In this video, Dr. Shiv Rao, CEO and co-founder of Abridge, discusses how their AI platform is helping to save time and reduce errors in healthcare by converting verbal conversations between doctors and patients into structured notes. The platform aims to streamline the documentation process, improve communication between doctors and patients, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes. Dr. Rao also highlights the positive feedback they have received from clinicians who have implemented Abridge in their practice.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is healthcare moving so fast with technology in 2023?

The healthcare industry is experiencing a rapid pace of technological advancement in 2023. This can be attributed to several factors. One reason is that the industry is finally acknowledging the urgency to address the broken and exhausted healthcare system. Clinician burnout, staffing shortages, and labor shortages have become high-priority issues for healthcare executives. They are now actively seeking solutions that can alleviate these challenges. Additionally, there has been a widespread acceptance and understanding of AI technology among clinicians and healthcare professionals. Generative AI, in particular, is being embraced and used in daily life, making healthcare professionals more open to trying and adopting new technologies.

Q: How long has Abridge been working on their AI platform?

Abridge was founded in 2018, but it wasn't until 2019 that things started to get real for the company. During the initial phases, they focused on building their research team and annotating data to develop a product that was truly powered by proprietary technology. Since then, Abridge has seen significant growth and progress. The past six to eight months, in particular, have been game-changing for the company.

Q: How has Abridge's AI platform been received by clinicians?

The response from clinicians who have implemented Abridge has been overwhelmingly positive. Once clinicians start using the platform, over 90% of them stick with it and use it for every one of their patients. Abridge has been able to save doctors an average of two to three hours per day in clinics. Clinicians feel unburdened and can focus on providing better care to their patients. They also appreciate how the platform helps them organize their thoughts, improve communication with other doctors, and ensure accurate billing and coding.

Q: What kind of feedback has Abridge received from healthcare professionals?

Healthcare professionals have provided valuable feedback on Abridge's AI platform. One notable feedback came from Dr. Greg Ader, the Chief Medical Information Officer at the University of Kansas Health System. He described Abridge as the most important thing for healthcare since the stethoscope. Many clinicians appreciate how the platform allows them to operate at the top of their license, focus on patient care, and offload administrative tasks. The positive feedback keeps coming in on a daily basis, reinforcing the belief that Abridge's technology is transforming healthcare.

Q: How does Abridge's AI platform summarize and structure conversations between doctors and patients?

Abridge's AI platform uses a combination of machine learning models to summarize and structure conversations between doctors and patients. The models have undergone extensive training and annotation using millions of dollars' worth of data to ensure accuracy. The platform selectively pulls out medical moments from the conversation and organizes them into a comprehensive summary. This summary includes actionable insights, diagnoses, plans, and relevant medical terminology. Abridge's technology not only saves time but also improves communication and ensures proper documentation for billing and coding purposes.

Q: How does Abridge handle privacy and security concerns?

Abridge prioritizes data privacy and security, especially in the healthcare industry. They comply with HIPAA regulations, which are essential for protecting patient information. Abridge takes measures to ensure that patient data is stored securely and only accessed by authorized personnel. They also offer options for patients to opt-out or have control over their data. Additionally, Abridge is continuously improving its security protocols to address any potential vulnerabilities and maintain a high level of data protection.

Q: How does Abridge charge for their AI platform?

Abridge follows a per-clinician per-year pricing model. The pricing structure aims to be simple and straightforward for healthcare organizations. By providing a flat rate, Abridge makes it easier for healthcare providers to implement their platform without complex pricing tiers or per-interaction fees. The focus is on delivering value and improving patient care, rather than overly complicating the billing process.

Q: How does Abridge integrate with electronic medical record (EMR) systems?

Abridge has integration capabilities with various EMR systems, allowing seamless incorporation of their platform into existing healthcare workflows. They understand the importance of integrating their technology into the right places within the medical record, ensuring that the structured data and documentation are stored correctly. This integration helps healthcare providers access the relevant information within their existing systems, streamlining the process of reviewing and updating patient records.

Q: Can patients access and interact with their Abridge-generated records?

Abridge is working on features that enable patients to interact with their records and have discussions with their doctors. While specific functionalities may vary depending on the healthcare organization and privacy concerns, Abridge aims to foster better communication and engagement between doctors and patients. In the future, patients may have the ability to double-click on entries, annotate records, or initiate threaded discussions within the Abridge platform.

Q: How does Abridge handle potential liability issues associated with recording doctor-patient conversations?

Abridge works diligently to address liability concerns in accordance with healthcare regulations, such as HIPAA. They adhere to strict privacy and security protocols to safeguard patient data and ensure compliance with legal requirements. They also engage in ongoing dialogue with healthcare providers to gauge their comfort levels regarding recorded conversations. Abridge understands the sensitivity and potential risks of such recordings and strives to strike a balance between transcription accuracy and patient privacy.

Q: What are the potential future applications and benefits of Abridge's AI platform?

Abridge's AI platform has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, with countless applications and benefits. The platform's ability to convert conversations into structured notes opens up opportunities for data analysis and insights. It can identify patterns, detect correlations, and provide personalized recommendations for patients. By analyzing a patient's complete medical history, the platform may uncover previously undetected conditions or suggest targeted screenings. Additionally, Abridge's ongoing research and development efforts continue to advance the capabilities and impact of their technology, promising even greater innovation and transformation in the future.


Abridge's AI platform is making significant strides in revolutionizing healthcare by converting verbal conversations between doctors and patients into structured notes. The platform saves clinicians time, improves communication, and enhances patient care. Positive feedback from healthcare professionals highlights the transformative nature of Abridge's technology. With a focus on data privacy and security, and integration with existing EMR systems, Abridge strives to optimize the utilization and effectiveness of their AI platform in healthcare settings. Moving forward, Abridge's potential for improving patient outcomes, reducing errors, and providing valuable insights continues to expand, making it a major player in the healthcare industry's ongoing digital transformation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Abridge uses AI technology to transcribe and summarize conversations between doctors and patients, reducing the administrative burden on doctors and improving patient outcomes.

  • The platform organizes and structures the data from conversations, extracting key information to support diagnoses, treatment plans, and coding for billing purposes.

  • Abridge has received positive feedback from clinicians, who report saving two to three hours per day and feeling unburdened by administrative tasks.

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