Neuroscientist: Simple Exercises to Keep Your Brain Healthy | Summary and Q&A

August 29, 2022
The Knowledge Project Podcast
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Neuroscientist: Simple Exercises to Keep Your Brain Healthy


Certain exercises, such as zone 2 cardio and load-bearing exercises, can release osteocalcin hormone, benefiting brain health by improving blood flow and supporting lymphatic clearance.

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Key Insights

  • 🏃 Osteocalcin hormone released through exercise supports brain health and function by stimulating the skeleton through load-bearing exercises.
  • 🧔 Cognitive function can be indirectly assessed by grip strength, which involves upper motor neurons and can be improved through load-bearing exercises.
  • 🧠 Cardiovascular exercise improves blood flow and lymphatic clearance, benefiting brain health.
  • 🏃 Resistance exercise, including weight training and bodyweight exercises, provides a signal to the brain to build and maintain cognitive capacity.
  • 👨 Resistance exercise also facilitates the burning of body fat, supporting weight management.
  • 🧠 Exercise can improve brain function by optimizing the functionality of existing neurons, rather than adding new neurons.
  • 🧠 Load-bearing exercises can be beneficial for brain health, but the intensity does not have to be extreme.


brains deteriorate with age what exercises for the brain have demonstrated either slowing or reversing some of this natural process yeah so that this is really interesting so they're they're great data from uh the nobel prize winning uh neuroscientist eric kandel's lab at columbia showing that when we do certain forms of exercise there's a hormone-... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does exercise affect brain function?

Exercise releases a hormone-like molecule called osteocalcin, which supports neurons in the brain's hippocampus, responsible for learning and memory. It also improves blood flow and lymphatic clearance.

Q: How can sleep apnea impact brain function?

Sleep apnea can lead to cognitive dysfunction due to poor perfusion of the brain. Taping the mouth shut and becoming a nose breather at night can help fix sleep apnea.

Q: How does weight impact brain health?

Excess weight, including fat and muscle weight, can negatively affect brain function. Not sleeping on your back and managing weight in the neck and torso can be helpful for brain health.

Q: How can lymphatic clearance be improved?

Lymphatic clearance, important for brain health, can be enhanced by elevating the feet during sleep. Additionally, exercise during the day increases lymphatic clearance rates at night.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Exercise releases osteocalcin hormone, which supports neurons in the hippocampus and improves learning and memory.

  • Zone 2 cardio for 150-180 minutes per week improves brain health by enhancing blood flow.

  • Sleep apnea and excess weight can negatively impact brain function, while proper sleep posture and weight management can be helpful.

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