Multiplication trick you wish you had been taught! | Summary and Q&A

September 24, 2021
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Multiplication trick you wish you had been taught!


Learn a quick and efficient method for multiplying large numbers using only a pen and paper.

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Key Insights

  • 💄 The modified method simplifies the process of long multiplication and makes it more efficient.
  • 😵 Cross multiplication is an important component of the modified method, allowing for quick calculations.
  • ✖️ The modified method can be used for any multiplication problem, regardless of the size of the numbers.
  • 🥺 Practice and familiarity with the pattern will lead to quicker and more accurate results.
  • 💄 This method reduces the chances of making errors compared to traditional long multiplication.
  • ⌛ The modified method is a time-saving and practical strategy for solving multiplication problems.
  • 🤗 By using a pen and paper, individuals can easily implement this method.


good day today I'm going to show you the fastest way of multiplying two big numbers like these together using only a pen and paper and once more I can guarantee you it's going to be a much simpler and much quicker way than you've ever learned in school so let me show you with our example here 3,124 multiplied by 2,152 now just a quick explanation b... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the traditional long multiplication method differ from the modified method?

The traditional method involves multiplying each digit of one number by each digit of the other number separately, while the modified method directly calculates each part of the answer using a pattern.

Q: What is the cross multiplication pattern mentioned in the video?

The cross multiplication pattern involves multiplying each digit in one number with the corresponding digit in the other number, and then adding these products together.

Q: Can this method be used for any multiplication problem, regardless of the size of the numbers?

Yes, this method is applicable to any multiplication problem, including large numbers. It simplifies the process and makes it faster.

Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions to using this method?

There are no specific limitations to using this method, as long as you correctly follow the pattern and understand the concept of multiplication.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Traditional long multiplication can be time-consuming and complex.

  • The champion move is to modify the method and work out each part of the answer directly.

  • By following a simple pattern and cross multiplication, you can quickly and easily solve multiplication problems.

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