More than a Woman | Tanzina Vega & Linda Sarsour + More | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

March 29, 2017
Talks at Google
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More than a Woman | Tanzina Vega & Linda Sarsour + More | Talks at Google


The panel discussion explores the concept of intersectionality and its importance in addressing various forms of discrimination. The participants discuss how to be intentional about incorporating intersectionality into policies and organizational practices.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Intersectionality recognizes the interconnectedness of different forms of discrimination and emphasizes the need to center marginalized communities in conversations and decision-making processes.
  • 🪡 Organizational practices should be intentional about incorporating intersectionality by prioritizing diverse voices and the needs of those most directly impacted by discrimination.
  • 👾 Individuals should leverage their privilege to uplift and support marginalized communities by using their positions of power and influence to create space for diverse voices and challenge discriminatory practices.


[MUSIC PLAYING] MYOSHA MCAFEE: So I'm Myosha McAfee. I've been at Google for about 10 months, 10 and a half, maybe I'm at that 11th mark. I'm not sure yet. And I'm a principal racial equitect. Yes, I made that title up. I love Google because I get to make up my titles. And that essentially means I'm trained as a social scientist, a race scholar. An... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is intersectionality and why is it important to consider in conversations about discrimination?

Intersectionality refers to the overlapping and interlocking systems of discrimination based on race, gender, and sexual orientation. It is important to consider in conversations about discrimination because it recognizes that people can experience multiple forms of discrimination simultaneously and that these forms of discrimination are interconnected.

Q: How can organizations be intentional about incorporating intersectionality into their policies and practices?

Organizations can be intentional about incorporating intersectionality by centering marginalized communities in conversations and decision-making processes. This includes ensuring that diverse voices are heard and prioritizing the experiences and needs of those most directly impacted by discrimination.

Q: How can individuals leverage their privilege to uplift and support marginalized communities?

Individuals can leverage their privilege by using their positions of power and influence to create space for marginalized communities and amplify their voices. This may involve advocating for policy changes, challenging discriminatory practices, and actively working to dismantle systems of oppression.

Q: How can individuals navigate conversations about intersectionality with those who may feel threatened by the concept?

It is important to approach conversations about intersectionality with curiosity, openness, and a willingness to learn. Encouraging people to ask uncomfortable questions and addressing their concerns with patience and understanding can help foster understanding and create space for growth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The panel discusses the concept of intersectionality and how discrimination based on race, gender, and sexual orientation can intersect.

  • They explore the need to center marginalized communities in conversations and decision-making processes.

  • The panel emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing the privilege one may have to uplift and support others.

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