Molarity Dilution Problems Solution Stoichiometry Grams, Moles, Liters Volume Calculations Chemistry | Summary and Q&A

August 27, 2016
The Organic Chemistry Tutor
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Molarity Dilution Problems Solution Stoichiometry Grams, Moles, Liters Volume Calculations Chemistry


This video explains how to calculate concentration, dilution, and various related problems involving mass, moles, and volume.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Marity is one form of concentration, calculated by dividing the moles of solute by the volume of the solution in liters.
  • 💦 Dilution problems involve adding water to a solution to decrease its concentration, while conversion problems involve converting between different units of concentration.
  • 🎮 Precipitation reactions, double replacement reactions, and limiting excess reagent problems are all covered in the video.


in this video we're going to focus on marity and problems associated with it such as dilution problems conversion problems where you have marity you need to find the mass in grams the moles the liters things like that and then towards the end we're going to go over solutions to Geometry uh problems where you have to convert from the marity of one s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is marity and how is it calculated?

Marity represents the concentration of a solution and is calculated by dividing the moles of solute by the volume of the solution in liters. It is represented by the formula M = moles/volume (in liters).

Q: How do you convert volume from milliliters to liters?

To convert volume from milliliters to liters, you divide the volume in milliliters by 1000 or move the decimal point three places to the left. For example, 500 milliliters is equivalent to 0.5 liters.

Q: How do you calculate the moles of a substance given the marity and volume?

To calculate the moles of a substance, you can use the equation moles = marity x volume. Simply multiply the marity (in moles per liter) by the volume (in liters) to obtain the moles of the substance.

Q: What is the dilution equation and how is it used?

The dilution equation, M1V1 = M2V2, is used to calculate the final marity and volume of a solution after dilution. M1 represents the initial marity, V1 is the initial volume, M2 is the final marity, and V2 is the final volume. This equation is based on the principle of conservation of moles, where the moles of solute before and after dilution remain the same.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video focuses on explaining marity and problems associated with it, including dilution problems, conversion problems, and calculations for various reactions.

  • Key equations discussed include M1V1 = M2V2 for dilution problems and moles = marity x volume for calculating moles.

  • The video provides step-by-step examples of solving problems related to concentration, finding the marity of a solution, calculating the volume needed for a specific marity, and determining mass given volume and marity.

  • The video also covers concepts such as solute and solvent, percent yield in a reaction, and the effect of concentration changes on a solution.

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