Mindful Decision Making: Compounding Effect of Micro-Decision | Mr. Anirudh Hariani | TEDxYouth@JGIS | Summary and Q&A

September 26, 2023
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Mindful Decision Making: Compounding Effect of Micro-Decision | Mr. Anirudh Hariani | TEDxYouth@JGIS


Making mindful daily decisions shapes our future positively, requiring discipline and consistency.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Micro decisions shape our future through forming habits and patterns.
  • 🥺 Consistent effort leads to better outcomes and habits over time.
  • 👋 Mindfulness, discipline, and consistency are crucial for making good decisions.
  • 🛟 Daily decisions impact our lives more than we realize, requiring conscious action.
  • 🥺 Discipline and mindfulness lead to long-term success and goal achievement.
  • ✊ The power of compounding effort in decision-making results in significant outcomes.
  • 🤳 Mindful daily decisions are a call to intentional living and self-confidence.


foreign [Applause] for you you've been wanting to run a marathon for years but every year when the time comes to train you get scared at the effort required to go and run a marathon this year is different you've made up your mind you're 100 sure going to do it but when that alarm rings in the morning that familiar voice at the back of your head whi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are daily micro decisions crucial for shaping our future?

Daily micro decisions, though seemingly mundane, form habits and patterns that significantly impact our lives over time.

Q: How does consistent effort in decision-making lead to better outcomes?

Consistently making good decisions over time creates positive habits and patterns that lead to achieving goals effectively.

Q: What role does discipline play in making daily decisions?

Discipline is essential for making mindful decisions consistently, ensuring that we take the necessary actions to reach our goals.

Q: Why is mindfulness in daily decision-making linked to long-term success?

Mindfulness in decision-making allows us to be intentional with our choices, leading to positive outcomes and the achievement of our goals.


This video discusses the importance of making mindful decisions on a daily basis and how consistent effort can have a significant impact on our lives. It emphasizes the difference between making good decisions versus not, and how these decisions can shape our futures and inform our lives.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important to make mindful decisions on a day-to-day basis?

Making mindful decisions on a day-to-day basis is important because these decisions, although seemingly mundane at the time, form habits and patterns that have a lasting impact on our lives. Consistently making good decisions can lead to a far better and more fulfilling life.

Q: How can consistent effort lead to achieving our goals?

Consistent effort is crucial for achieving our goals because it forms habits that eventually become enjoyable. By consistently practicing a skill or working towards a goal over a long period of time, we become proficient and confident, leading to a state of flow and passion.

Q: How do micro decisions affect our lives?

Micro decisions, or the smaller decisions we make on a day-to-day basis, have a significant impact on our lives even though we may not realize it at the time. These decisions shape our futures and inform our lives, therefore it is important to be mindful of the choices we make.

Q: What is the difference between making good decisions versus not making them?

The difference between consistently making good decisions versus not is the difference between being great versus being average. Good decisions lead to positive outcomes, while bad decisions can have disastrous results. It is important to make mindful decisions to ensure a better future.

Q: How does consistent effort compound our results?

Consistent effort compounds the results because every time we decide to put in effort, we are building upon the progress made from the previous push. This power of compounding can be seen in various aspects of life, such as negotiations, investments, and even our health.

Q: Why is consistency sometimes viewed negatively?

Consistency is sometimes viewed negatively because it is associated with concepts like rigidity, rules, and obedience. It can lead to unnecessary pressure to be perfect in trying to achieve our goals. However, consistency is crucial for achieving mastery and developing passion for what we do.

Q: What is the role of motivation in decision making?

Motivation is a great tool for getting started, but it tends to fade away over time. Making decisions based on motivation alone is not sustainable. It is important to find the inner strength and willpower to take action, regardless of how we're feeling in the moment.

Q: How can we be mindful while making daily decisions?

Being mindful while making daily decisions starts with having a well-defined and achievable goal or target. The next step is to apply sound reasoning and make immediate decisions that align with our goal. Finally, consistency is key. We must repeat these steps consistently over time to reach our goals.

Q: Is it necessary to be perfect in decision making?

Perfection is not necessary nor warranted in many occasions. We live in a stressful world and it's okay to take a break or have an occasional cheat meal. Achieving 70 to 80 percent efficiency in making the right decisions is still sufficient to reach our goals. It's important to strive for progress, not perfection.

Q: Why is decisiveness important in decision making?

Decisiveness is important in decision making because it shows that we are living in the moment and have self-confidence. It is a sign of self-mastery and being intentional in our choices. Remembering the philosophy of "thinking clearly, deciding quickly, and rarely regretting decisions" can guide us in being decisive.


Making mindful decisions on a day-to-day basis and consistently putting in effort can lead to significant positive outcomes in our lives. By being aware of the smaller decisions we make and striving to make good decisions, we can shape our futures and achieve our goals. It's important to remember that consistency is key and that progress, not perfection, is the goal. Being decisive and living in the moment can also contribute to our overall success and satisfaction.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Daily micro decisions shape our future more than we realize, forming habits and patterns.

  • Consistent effort in decision-making leads to better outcomes and habits over time.

  • Mindfulness, discipline, and consistency are key in making good decisions and achieving goals.

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