Michael Malice: Freedom, Hope, and Happiness Amidst Chaos | Lex Fridman Podcast #150 | Summary and Q&A

December 31, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Michael Malice: Freedom, Hope, and Happiness Amidst Chaos | Lex Fridman Podcast #150


Anarchist political thinker and author Michael Malice brings humor, challenging ideas, and a fresh perspective to conversations about politics and ideology.

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Key Insights

  • 🛀 Michael Malice brings a unique blend of humor, challenging ideas, and wisdom to his podcast and live shows.
  • 🤔 The use of dark humor and difficult discussions helps prompt deep thinking about the world and challenges conventional ideologies.
  • 🤞 Malice's upcoming book, "The White Pill," focuses on highlighting positivity and hope, even in difficult times.
  • 👻 Self-publishing allows Malice to have more control over his content and release timeline, as well as a larger profit margin.


the following is a conversation with michael malus his second time on the podcast he's an anarchist political thinker podcaster and author he wrote dear reader which is a book on north korea and the new right a book on the various ideological movements at the fringe of american politics he hosts the podcast called you're welcome spelled y-o-u-r and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Michael Malice's approach to his podcast and live shows?

Michael Malice brings a combination of humor, challenging ideas, and wisdom to his podcast and live shows. He utilizes dark humor and difficult discussions to encourage deep thinking about the world.

Q: How did Michael Malice's conversation with Alex Jones go?

Michael Malice has had several conversations with Alex Jones, including a recent one with Tim Pool. During these conversations, Malice brings humor and even uses knock-knock jokes to create a light-hearted atmosphere while discussing serious topics.

Q: Why did Michael Malice choose to self-publish his upcoming book?

Michael Malice decided to self-publish his book "The White Pill" to have more control over the content and release timeline. He believes self-publishing allows for a quicker release and a larger profit margin compared to traditional publishing.

Q: What is the concept of the "White Pill" in Michael Malice's upcoming book?

The "White Pill" is a concept that focuses on the positivity and hope that individuals can bring to the world, even in challenging times. Malice aims to provide a different perspective and highlight the potential for positive change, rather than succumbing to cynicism.


In this conversation, Lex Friedman interviews Michael Malice, an anarchist political thinker, podcaster, and author. They discuss various topics, including their shared love for humor and trolling, their experiences talking to Alex Jones, the importance of being kind and doing difficult things, and their thoughts on self-publishing versus traditional publishing. Michael also shares his upcoming book, "The White Pill," which explores the concept of the good guys winning and how it relates to the collapse of totalitarianism.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the background of Michael Malice?

Michael Malice is an anarchist political thinker, podcaster, and author. He has written books on North Korea and various ideological movements in American politics. He hosts a podcast called "You're Welcome" and is known for his humor and wisdom.

Q: How would you describe the conversation between Michael Malice and Lex Friedman?

The conversation is a mix of humor, deep thinking, and challenging ideas. Both Michael and Lex engage in witty banter and discuss topics that range from political ideologies to the importance of kindness and self-publishing.

Q: Why did Michael Malice use knock-knock jokes during his conversation with Alex Jones?

Michael used knock-knock jokes as a way to add humor and keep the conversation light-hearted. He also enjoys the element of surprise and the unexpected twist that comes with these jokes.

Q: What was it like talking to Alex Jones?

Michael has had multiple conversations with Alex Jones, both on his own show and with Tim Pool. He appreciates Alex's self-awareness and sense of humor, and enjoys the challenge of having deep philosophical conversations with him while also sharing light-hearted moments.

Q: What is the significance of the "I love you" exchange between Michael Malice and Alex Jones?

The "I love you" moment was both entertaining and refreshing. It added a unique and unexpected twist to the conversation, showcasing a genuine affection between Michael and Alex. It also served as a reminder of the importance of expressing love and positivity in a world that can sometimes feel absurd and cynical.

Q: What are Michael Malice's thoughts on being a good guy in today's world?

Michael believes that being a good guy means wanting to leave the world a better place than you found it. It involves being aware of your motivations and making sure they are aligned with reality. Taking action to make a positive impact on the world, even if the odds are not in your favor, is a key aspect of being a good guy.

Q: What are Michael Malice's thoughts on self-publishing versus traditional publishing?

Michael prefers self-publishing because it allows him to have more control over the process and the timeline of his book release. He believes that traditional publishing can be slow and that it often involves incompetence and unnecessary delays. Additionally, self-publishing offers higher financial returns and allows authors to connect with their audience more directly.

Q: What is Michael Malice's upcoming book about?

Michael's upcoming book is called "The White Pill." It explores the concept of the good guys winning, specifically focusing on the collapse of totalitarianism and the peaceful liberation of many parts of the world. It aims to challenge the prevailing sense of cynicism and highlight the potential for positive change.

Q: What are some challenges Michael Malice has faced in writing his book?

One of the main challenges Michael faces is the extensive research required for each topic he wants to include in the book. He aims for the book to be dense with information, which often means reading multiple sources and finding specific quotes to support his arguments. Additionally, the book's content has evolved from its original conception, requiring adjustments to its structure and focus.

Q: How does Michael Malice see the victory of conservatism in the cold war?

Michael believes that the victory of conservatism in the cold war, without firing a shot, is a significant achievement worth celebrating. He points out the dangers of forgetting how bad things were in the past and the importance of acknowledging the positive changes that have occurred. It serves as an example of the good guys winning over the bad guys.

Q: How does Michael Malice define being a good guy?

Being a good guy, according to Michael, means wanting to leave the world a little bit better than you found it. It involves taking actions that align with your values and being humble and cautious when interfering with other people's lives. It also requires continually checking your motivations and staying connected to reality.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Michael Malice, an anarchist political thinker and author, brings a unique blend of humor and challenging ideas to his podcast and live shows.

  • Malice's use of dark humor and difficult discussions prompts deep thinking about the world while also providing moments of laughter and absurdity.

  • In his recent conversation with Lex Friedman, Malice discusses his experiences with Alex Jones, his upcoming book "The White Pill," and the importance of kindness and open-mindedness in difficult conversations.

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