Michael Burry’s 'It's OVER'! Newly Deleted Tweets | Summary and Q&A

June 30, 2022
Investor Weekly
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Michael Burry’s 'It's OVER'! Newly Deleted Tweets


Michael Burry's deleted tweets reveal warnings of a coming crash due to over-speculation and leverage in markets.

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Key Insights

  • ⚠️ Burry warns of a looming crash due to over-speculation and overvaluation in all markets.
  • ✳️ Leverage in cryptocurrencies and stocks poses a significant risk to market stability.
  • 🍝 Burry's accurate predictions in the past highlight the importance of considering his warnings about current market conditions.
  • ❓ Understanding market jargon and economic indicators like CPI is crucial for interpreting Burry's tweets.
  • 👨‍🔬 Burry advises investors to conduct independent research and not rely solely on mainstream narratives for making investment decisions.
  • 🧑‍💻 Burry's comparison of Bitcoin prices with tech stocks suggests that cryptocurrencies may not be as safe as perceived in the market.
  • 🤩 The impact of consumer sentiment and rate hikes on market behavior is a key factor in Burry's predictions.


today we're going to reveal some of michael bury's deleted tweets from a few days weeks and year ago we managed to save them before deletion now for those that don't know michael perry is one of the most infamous investors that's accurately predicted several major market bottoms and tops he's predicted the 1999.com bubble the 2005 housing bubble an... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What major market events has Michael Burry accurately predicted?

Michael Burry accurately predicted the 1999.com bubble, the 2005 housing bubble, and the 2020 COVID bottom, showcasing his expertise in forecasting market trends.

Q: What warning did Burry's deleted tweets convey about market speculation?

Burry's deleted tweets warned of excessive speculation in all markets, leading to overvaluation and indicating a potential crash as a result of ignoring traditional investment factors.

Q: How does leverage contribute to market volatility, as explained by Burry?

Burry highlighted the dangers of leverage in cryptocurrencies and stocks, explaining that over-leveraging can amplify market movements and increase the risk of significant market corrections.

Q: What analogy did Burry use to describe the market situation with over-speculation?

Burry used the analogy of an expanding bubble that is likely to pop rather than deflate naturally, emphasizing the imminent risk of market bubbles bursting due to excessive speculation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Michael Burry, a famous investor, accurately predicted major market events like the 1999.com bubble and the 2005 housing bubble.

  • Burry's deleted tweets warn of a speculative bubble in all markets, leading to overvaluation and the potential for a crash.

  • He highlights the dangers of leverage in cryptocurrencies and stocks, predicting market crashes due to excessive speculation.

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