Mental Addition Trick - Add faster than a calculator! | Summary and Q&A

June 12, 2013
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Mental Addition Trick - Add faster than a calculator!


Learn how to mentally add numbers together using the technique of finding complements, making calculations faster and easier.

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Key Insights

  • #️⃣ Recognizing complements is a key trick in mentally adding numbers together.
  • 🪜 Complements involve pairs of numbers that add up to 10.
  • 🪜 Complements can be used to add single-digit as well as multiple-digit numbers.
  • 👻 Finding complements allows for faster and more efficient mental calculations.
  • ❓ Practice and familiarity with complements enable quicker mental math skills.
  • 😫 The technique can be applied to various sets of numbers, making it versatile.
  • 😫 Adding complements together can be used to create new complements within a set of numbers.


good day and welcome to the tech maath Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is we're going to be looking at how to add numbers together mentally okay so we're going to start out fairly simple and get harder and harder as we go so let's launch into an example here so can you add this in 5 seconds okay time's up hopefully you... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the first trick when mentally adding numbers together?

The first trick is to look for complements, which are numbers that add up to 10. For example, 1 and 9, 2 and 8, or 3 and 7.

Q: How can complements help in adding numbers together?

Complements simplify calculations by allowing us to add numbers that complement each other straightaway. For example, adding 3 and 7 is the same as adding 10 and 9 (19).

Q: Are there any other ways to identify complements?

While complements typically involve pairs of numbers that add up to 10, it is also possible to create complements within a set of numbers. For example, adding 2 and 3 (5), and then adding 5 and 5 (10), and finally adding 10 and 9 (19).

Q: Do we still need to be able to add numbers quickly when using this technique?

Yes, while finding complements helps organize numbers and simplify calculations, being able to add numbers quickly is still important to use this technique effectively.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video teaches the technique of finding complements when adding numbers mentally, focusing on numbers that add up to 10.

  • By recognizing complements, adding single and multiple-digit numbers becomes faster and more efficient.

  • The video provides numerous examples of how to apply this technique to various sets of numbers.

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