Membership Operator | Summary and Q&A

August 11, 2023
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Membership Operator


Membership operators in Python are used to check whether one object is a member of another object, with "in" checking for inclusion and "not in" checking for non-inclusion.

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Key Insights

  • ✅ The membership operators "in" and "not in" are used to check for membership in Python.
  • ✅ The "in" operator checks for inclusion, while the "not in" operator checks for non-inclusion.
  • 👂 These operators can be used with both lists and strings, providing flexibility in checking for membership.
  • ↩ī¸ The "in" operator returns True if the element or substring exists, while the "not in" operator returns True if the element or substring does not exist.
  • ❤ī¸â€đŸŠš The "end" parameter of the print function can be used to change the way the print function ends the line.
  • 🎭 Membership operators can be used to perform conditional checks in programming.
  • 👂 Membership operators are syntactically similar and can be applied to various scenarios, such as checking for color presence in a list or substring presence in a string.


list support membership operator membership operator is an operator which is responsible for checking whether the one object is a member of another object there are two membership operators in and not in let's see what are those in operator checks if the object on the left side is included in the object on the right side for example checking whethe... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of the membership operator in Python?

The membership operator is used to check whether one object is a member of another object, allowing us to determine if an element exists in a list or if a substring is present in a string.

Q: How does the "in" operator work?

The "in" operator checks if the object on the left side is included in the object on the right side. It returns True if the element exists in a list or if the substring is present in a string.

Q: What is the opposite of the "in" operator?

The opposite of the "in" operator is the "not in" operator. It checks whether the object on the left side is not included in the object on the right side. It returns True if the element does not exist in a list or if the substring is not present in a string.

Q: Can membership operators be used with both lists and strings?

Yes, membership operators can be used with both lists and strings. They allow users to check for the presence or absence of elements and substrings within these objects.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Membership operators in Python, namely "in" and "not in", are used to check for the presence or absence of an element in a list or a substring in a string.

  • The "in" operator checks if the left-side object is included in the right-side object, while the "not in" operator checks for non-inclusion.

  • Membership operators can be applied to both lists and strings, allowing users to check for membership within these objects.

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