Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future | Raffaello D'Andrea | Summary and Q&A

March 11, 2016
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Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future | Raffaello D'Andrea


From hobbyists to a multibillion-dollar industry, commercial drones are revolutionizing various industries with their impressive capabilities and potential applications.

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Key Insights

  • 🚁 Drones have the potential for diverse applications including inspection, environmental monitoring, photography, film, and journalism, and are becoming a multibillion-dollar industry.
  • 🏗️ Autonomous flying machines can be used to construct structures, achieve high speeds and accelerations, and interact with the physical world.
  • 🌍 New localization technology developed by Verity Studios allows drones to determine their location and actions using onboard sensors and computation, eliminating the need for external cameras.
  • 🚁 Tail-sitters are aircraft that combine the efficiency of fixed-wing aircraft with the hovering capability of helicopters, but they are susceptible to wind gusts.
  • ✈️ The monospinner is the world's mechanically simplest controllable flying machine, with only one moving part.
  • 🕊️ The omnicopter, with its eight propellers, has the capability to move anywhere in space irrespective of its orientation.
  • 🔒 Flying machines can be designed to be safe and reliable even if components fail, ensuring they can still operate in a degraded fashion.
  • 🌌 Synthetic swarms of autonomous flying machines offer new possibilities for aesthetic expression and can be coordinated using localization technology and custom algorithms.


What started as a platform for hobbyists is poised to become a multibillion-dollar industry. Inspection, environmental monitoring, photography and film and journalism: these are some of the potential applications for commercial drones, and their enablers are the capabilities being developed at research facilities around the world. For example, befo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some potential applications for commercial drones?

Potential applications for commercial drones include inspection, environmental monitoring, photography and film, and journalism. These drones have the capabilities to perform various tasks and are being developed at research facilities around the world.

Q: How do flying machines determine their location in space?

Flying machines use onboard sensors and onboard computation to determine their location in space. They do not rely on external cameras for locating objects. This new localization technology, developed by Verity Studios, allows the drones to autonomously determine their position without the need for external commands.

Q: What are some limitations of tail-sitters?

Tail-sitters, while capable of hovering and offering advantages for takeoff, landing, and versatility, are susceptible to disturbances such as wind gusts. However, researchers are developing new control architectures and algorithms to address these limitations. The goal is to enable the aircraft to recover from any state and improve its performance over time.

Q: What is the monospinner, and how does it fly?

The monospinner is the world's mechanically simplest controllable flying machine. It has only one moving part, a propeller, and lacks flaps, hinges, ailerons, or other control surfaces. Its electronic brain allows it to fly in a stable fashion and move freely in space, although it still relies on being thrown correctly to achieve flight.

Q: What is unique about the omnicopter?

The omnicopter is highly symmetric, making it ambivalent to orientation. This gives it the extraordinary capability to move anywhere in space, irrespective of its facing or rotation. With eight propellers, it has surplus power and its complexities mainly arise from the interacting flows of these propellers. Models and learning algorithms allow it to navigate effectively.

Q: How does the machine with separate two-propeller flying machines demonstrate safety and reliability?

The machine with separate two-propeller units acts as a high-performance quadrocopter even if one half fails. Each unit has its own spinning direction, and when combined, they form a quadrocopter that can compensate for failures. If a motor, propeller, electronics, or even a battery pack fails, the machine can still fly in a degraded fashion, showcasing its safety and reliability.

Q: What is the significance of synthetic swarms and how are they achieved?

Synthetic swarms offer a new palette for aesthetic expression with a large number of autonomous and coordinated flying entities. In this demonstration, commercially available micro quadcopters, equipped with localization technology and custom algorithms, are used. Each unit knows its position in space and can self-control, allowing for limitless swarm size and creative possibilities for flying machines' roles.


This video showcases various projects in the field of autonomous flight, demonstrating the potential applications and capabilities of commercial drones. The projects include a tail-sitter aircraft, a monospinner with only one moving part, an omnicopter with eight propellers, a dual-propeller quadrocopter that can fly even with failures, and a synthetic swarm of micro quadcopters. These advancements in autonomous flight technology have the potential to revolutionize industries such as inspection, environmental monitoring, photography, film, journalism, and more.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the potential applications for commercial drones?

The potential applications for commercial drones include inspection, environmental monitoring, photography, and film and journalism. These applications can greatly benefit from the capabilities being developed in research facilities.

Q: How do flying machines achieve high speeds and accelerations in tight spaces?

By tethering flying machines, they can achieve high speeds and accelerations in very tight spaces. This allows them to build structures autonomously and learn skills such as carrying loads and coping with disturbances.

Q: How does the localization technology developed by Verity Studios work?

The localization technology developed by Verity Studios allows each flying machine to determine its location in space using onboard sensors and onboard computation. There are no external cameras used, and the machines only receive high-level commands such as "take off" and "land".

Q: What is a tail-sitter aircraft?

A tail-sitter aircraft is an aircraft that combines the efficiency of fixed-wing aircraft in forward flight with the ability to hover like a helicopter. This versatility makes it advantageous for takeoff, landing, and general flight.

Q: What limitation do tail-sitter aircraft have?

Tail-sitter aircraft are susceptible to disturbances such as wind gusts, which can affect their stability. However, researchers are developing new control architectures and algorithms to address this limitation and enable the aircraft to recover from any state and improve its performance over time.

Q: What is the monospinner?

The monospinner is the world's mechanically simplest controllable flying machine, invented recently. It has only one moving part, a propeller, and does not have any flaps, hinges, ailerons, or other control surfaces. Its stable flight and maneuverability are controlled by complex algorithms and onboard computation.

Q: What is the omnicopter?

The omnicopter is a flying machine with eight propellers, designed with high symmetry to be ambivalent to orientation. This allows it to move freely in any direction in space, regardless of its facing or rotation. Its complexity comes from the interaction of flows generated by the propellers.

Q: How does the dual-propeller quadrocopter demonstrate safety and reliability?

The dual-propeller quadrocopter is made up of two separate two-propeller flying machines. If any component fails, such as a motor, propeller, electronics, or battery, the machine can still fly in a degraded state. This demonstrates the safety and reliability of the technology.

Q: What is the concept behind synthetic swarms?

Synthetic swarms are formed by autonomous, coordinated entities such as micro quadcopters. These entities are outfitted with localization technology and custom algorithms, allowing each unit to know its position in space and operate independently. The swarms can be scaled to any number, offering new possibilities for creative expression.

Q: What is the potential impact of these advancements in flying machines?

These advancements in flying machines have huge commercial and economic potential. They can revolutionize industries such as inspection, environmental monitoring, photography, film, journalism, and more. However, the full impact and potential applications of this technology are difficult to predict.


The video showcases various projects that push the boundaries of what can be achieved with autonomous flight. From tail-sitter aircraft to monospinners to omnicopters to dual-propeller quadrocopters and synthetic swarms, these advancements demonstrate the versatility, safety, and reliability of commercial drones. The potential applications of this technology are vast and can significantly impact various industries. The journey of developing these flying machines is a reminder of the wonder and magic of the universe, allowing creative and clever creatures to shape it in spectacular ways. The icing on the cake is the enormous commercial and economic potential that comes with these advancements.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Commercial drones have the potential for various applications such as inspection, environmental monitoring, photography, film and journalism.

  • Research facilities around the world are developing capabilities for autonomous flight, including the ability to build structures and carry loads.

  • New localization technology allows drones to determine their location in space and make autonomous decisions without the need for external cameras. Additionally, new control architectures and algorithms are being developed to address limitations and improve performance.

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