Math trick for fast division | Summary and Q&A

February 2, 2015
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Math trick for fast division


Learn simple techniques to instantly divide numbers by 5, 25, and 125 using doubling and decimal adjustments.

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Key Insights

  • 🗂️ The doubling method can be used to quickly divide numbers by 5, 25, and 125.
  • 🗂️ Dividing by 5 involves doubling the number and dividing by 10.
  • 🗂️ Dividing by 25 requires doubling the number, multiplying by 4, and dividing by 100.
  • 🗂️ Dividing by 125 involves doubling the number, multiplying by 8, and dividing by 1000.
  • 😥 The decimal point needs to be adjusted based on the multiplication factor used.
  • 😲 The doubling method can be a useful trick to amaze others with quick mental calculations.
  • #️⃣ The same technique can be adapted for dividing by other divisible numbers.


good day welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is a way of dividing by numbers uh a really good trick for dividing by the following numbers 5 25 and 125 and how you can do this instantly you can Amaze everybody with your mathematical Pros hey I'll stop talking I'll just get into this um so first off ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you divide a number by 5 using the doubling trick?

To divide a number by 5, double the number, divide by 10, and adjust the decimal point.

Q: How do you divide a number by 25 using the doubling method?

To divide a number by 25, double the number, multiply by 4, and divide by 100, adjusting the decimal point accordingly.

Q: What is the technique for dividing a number by 125?

To divide a number by 125, double the number, multiply by 8, and divide by 1000, moving the decimal point three places to the left.

Q: Can the doubling method be used for other divisible numbers?

Yes, the doubling method can be used for other divisible numbers by adjusting the multiplication factor and the position of the decimal point.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video demonstrates a trick to divide any number by 5 by doubling the number, dividing it by 10, and adjusting the decimal point.

  • Another technique involves dividing a number by 25 by doubling it, multiplying by 4, and then dividing by 100.

  • The video also shows how to divide by 125 using the same doubling method but multiplying by 8 and dividing by 1000.

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