Maria Konnikova — The Knowledge Project #89 | Summary and Q&A

August 4, 2020
The Knowledge Project Podcast
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Maria Konnikova — The Knowledge Project #89


Maria Konnikova shares her journey of transitioning from a psychologist and writer to becoming a professional poker player and the role of chance in our lives.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Chance events and circumstances can lead to unexpected career paths, as seen in Konnikova's transition from journalist to poker player.
  • 🤞 Reflecting on the role of luck in life can prompt a deeper understanding of the factors that influence our successes and failures.
  • ♻️ Poker offers a unique environment to explore decision-making and the interplay between skill and chance.
  • 🥺 Personal challenges can spark a desire for exploration and self-reflection, leading to personal growth and new opportunities.
  • 🛟 Identifying and managing emotions is crucial in decision-making, both in poker and in life.
  • 💄 Developing a reflective practice can enhance decision-making skills and promote personal growth.
  • 👶 Collaboration with mentors and coaches can accelerate learning and provide valuable guidance in new endeavors.


maria i'm so happy to have you on the show thanks so much for having me shane i've been looking forward to it i have to ask i i got an advanced copy of the biggest bluff which is a phenomenal book you're you're an amazing writer but how did you go from new yorker writer to full-time poker player isn't that the question that absolutely everyone incl... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Maria Konnikova transition from being a journalist and psychologist to becoming a professional poker player?

Konnikova's journey to becoming a poker player was a result of chance events and circumstances. She met Eric Seidel, who became her coach and mentor, and immersed herself in studying poker, gradually building her skills and experience.

Q: How did health issues and personal challenges contribute to Konnikova's interest in exploring the role of chance in life?

Konnikova's experience with health problems and the sudden loss of her grandmother made her realize the unpredictability of life and the influence of chance in our successes and failures. This prompted her to delve deeper into the concept of luck and its impact on our lives.

Q: How did poker and game theory play a role in Konnikova's exploration of chance and decision-making?

Konnikova discovered that poker, as a game of incomplete information, provided a perfect platform to study chance and decision-making. She learned about John von Neumann, who saw poker as a way to solve complex strategic dilemmas and invented game theory as a result.

Q: What insights did Konnikova gain from her experience in poker regarding chance, skill, and decision-making?

Konnikova realized that while chance is a significant factor in poker, skill and strategy can still influence outcomes. The game taught her to distinguish between factors within her control and those outside her control, helping her make better decisions in poker and other aspects of life.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Maria Konnikova explains how chance events and circumstances led her to becoming a professional poker player, despite having no prior interest or experience in the game.

  • She recounts the health issues and personal challenges she faced, which prompted her to reflect on the role of luck in life and ultimately sparked her interest in writing a book about chance.

  • Konnikova highlights the influence of game theory, particularly poker, and the importance of decision-making in navigating uncertain situations.

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