M3 Macbook Pro Impressions: Is It Enough? | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
Marques Brownlee
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M3 Macbook Pro Impressions: Is It Enough?


Apple held an event to announce their new M3 chips and updated MacBook Pros and iMacs, aiming to convince users to upgrade. The new machines offer modest improvements over previous models, but may not be necessary for users with M1 or M2 chips.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 MKBHD highlights the significance of the story leading up to product announcement events and the growth curve of technology.
  • 🐿️ Apple's introduction of their own Apple Silicon chips brought a significant leap in performance, disrupting the previously stable market.
  • 🐿️ The new M3 chips, MacBook Pros, and iMacs offer modest improvements over previous models, but may not warrant an upgrade for users with M1 or M2 chips.


hey what's up y'all MKBHD here welcome back to another video this one a little bit outside of the usual Studio element as you can immediately tell uh that of course usually means I'm in a hotel room and that's true again this time I'm in California um and I'm out here because this week is the ultimate frisbee Beach World Championships it's like a 5... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the Ultimate Frisbee Beach World Championships?

The Ultimate Frisbee Beach World Championships is a 5-day long tournament where teams from different countries compete. MKBHD is excited to represent Team USA in this tournament.

Q: How do computers and laptops fit into the growth curve of technology?

While smartphones have reached a more stable phase, computers and laptops have had an interesting curve. Apple's introduction of their own Apple Silicon chips, like the M1 and M2, brought a significant leap in performance. Other silicon manufacturers are also catching up, making the market more competitive.

Q: What were the main announcements in Apple's event?

Apple introduced the M3 chips, the new MacBook Pro models (14-inch and 16-inch), and updated iMac. The new machines offer improved performance and capabilities, including features like improved mesh shading and hardware-accelerated ray tracing.

Q: Should users with M1 or M2 chips consider upgrading to the new machines?

For users with M1 or M2 chips, the upgrade may not be necessary unless they are pushing their current machines to the limit. The new machines offer modest improvements in performance, battery life, and memory capacity, making them more suitable for heavy tasks and resource-intensive workflows.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content discusses MKBHD's experience at the Ultimate Frisbee Beach World Championships and his excitement to compete on Team USA.

  • He highlights the importance of the story leading up to product announcement events and the growth curve of technology.

  • MKBHD shares his thoughts on Apple's latest event, discussing the new M3 chips, MacBook Pros, and iMacs, and his personal decision regarding an upgrade.

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