Lynne Franks on the power of the crone | Summary and Q&A

March 13, 2013
Southbank Centre
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Lynne Franks on the power of the crone


The speaker, a 64-year-old activist and feminist, discusses the importance of older women stepping up to create a new world of cooperation, peace, and harmony.

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Key Insights

  • 👵 Older women have a vital role to play in shaping the future and creating a society that values cooperation and well-being for all.
  • 👩‍⚕️ Women and men working together can bring about positive change and create a more balanced and harmonious world.
  • 🥺 Initiatives led by women, such as seed cafes and transition Towns, are making a significant impact by promoting self-sufficiency and sustainability.
  • 👥 Cooperation between generations, genders, and various groups is crucial in building a better future.
  • 🧙‍♀️ Wisdom circles and mentoring relationships provide essential support and guidance for women of all ages.
  • 🙇‍♀️ The speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing differences and respecting the unique contributions of both women and men.
  • 😨 A new economic order that rewards efforts and supports the care of others can be established.


so good afternoon I think I've got 8 to 10 minutes um and they've asked me to speak this afternoon about the power of the Crone which looking around the room here is a many many many years away for most of you and in fact wrong gender for a few of you as well but um it's something that I feel very passionate about and I've just been listening were ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What inspired the speaker to become involved in the women's movement?

The speaker was inspired by attending events like the Women's Conference in Beijing and Greenham Common. She also organized her own event, "What Women Want," which brought women together to discuss various topics including sexuality and the internet.

Q: How can older women contribute to building a new kind of society?

Older women can contribute by wearing their wrinkles with pride, sharing their wisdom, and participating in initiatives that support the well-being of future generations. They can also mentor younger women and help them navigate transitions and uncertainties.

Q: What is the role of cooperation in creating a better future?

Cooperation is essential in creating a future where women and men can work together, where the old and the young can learn from each other, and where humanity can live in harmony with the environment. It is through cooperation that a peaceful and sustainable society can be built.

Q: What are some examples of initiatives led by women that contribute to positive change?

Examples include the seed cafes opening in the UK, where women of all ages are taught skills and confidence, and the transition Town movement, which empowers communities to take control of their own resources and promote sustainability.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares her experiences as an activist and feminist, highlighting the progress made by women over the years.

  • She emphasizes the role of older women in shaping the future and creating a society that values cooperation and supports the well-being of all.

  • The speaker calls for women of all ages to come together, share their experiences, and mentor younger women in order to build a more sustainable and peaceful world.

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