Life is Good Founders Explain Rational Optimism | How I Built This with Guy Raz | NPR | Summary and Q&A

September 11, 2020
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Life is Good Founders Explain Rational Optimism | How I Built This with Guy Raz | NPR

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In this episode of NPR's "How I Built This: Resilience Edition," Guy Raz interviews John and Burt Jacobs, co-founders of Life is Good. They discuss how their business has built resilience during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conversation touches on their response to the pandemic, their shift in business strategy, and the power of optimism in overcoming difficulties.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Life is Good respond to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Life is Good immediately closed down their Boston office and focused on making their Southern New Hampshire location a safe distribution center. They also invested in technology, such as direct garment printing, to respond to consumer demand faster. They began designing t-shirts with messages related to the pandemic, like "Stay Calm, Stay Cool, Stay Home," which resonated with customers and took off.

Q: How did Life is Good adapt their business model during the pandemic?

Life is Good had been trying to shift their business model to be more responsive to consumer demand, and the pandemic accelerated that process. They invested in technology that enabled them to print t-shirts to order, reducing inventory and waste. This allowed them to quickly respond to changing consumer preferences and avoid excessive inventory.

Q: Was it expensive to invest in the technology for responding to consumer demand faster?

Yes, it was a significant investment, but Life is Good had confidence in the direction they wanted to take their brand even before COVID-19. They believed that moving towards a more adaptive business model was essential, and the pandemic provided them with the opportunity to make that shift.

Q: What kind of messages did Life is Good put on their apparel during the pandemic?

Life is Good created t-shirts with messages that spoke directly to what was happening during the pandemic. They promoted safe practices like washing hands and staying home. They also celebrated support systems, such as family, pets, and the importance of kindness. The messages were simple but resonated with their customers, providing optimism and uplift during difficult times.

Q: How did Life is Good's e-commerce business perform during the pandemic?

Life is Good's e-commerce business doubled compared to the previous year. This growth helped offset the decline in their wholesale business, which was heavily impacted by store closures. Their brand's strong connection with consumers and their ability to adapt quickly allowed them to thrive even in challenging times.

Q: How did Life is Good's values play a role in navigating the pandemic?

Life is Good's values, including gratitude, love, authenticity, and creativity, have always been central to their brand. These values provided a strong foundation during the uncertain times of the pandemic. They enabled the team to stay focused on their mission of spreading optimism and connecting with their community. The power of optimism and gratitude was especially important in helping both employees and customers navigate the challenges they faced.

Q: How did Life is Good's upbringing influence their resilience and optimism?

Life is Good's parents faced their own challenges, including financial difficulties and health issues. Despite these hardships, their mother focused on optimism and instilled in them the power of seeing the world through an optimistic lens. This upbringing, coupled with their own experiences as entrepreneurs, taught them the value of resilience and finding ways to adapt to difficult situations.

Q: How does Life is Good's community factor into their resilience?

Life is Good emphasizes the importance of community in their brand. They view their customers as co-authors of their brand story, and they actively engage with their community, listening to their feedback and incorporating their ideas. In times of crisis, the community becomes even more vital, providing support and uplift to one another. Life is Good's community has played a significant role in their resilience and ability to navigate challenging times.

Q: How do John and Burt Jacobs stay resilient and motivated during tough times?

John and Burt prioritize healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, gratitude, and staying connected to loved ones. They draw inspiration from their parents, who demonstrated resilience and optimism despite their own hardships. Creating a strong support system and seeking out positive influences are crucial for maintaining resilience. They acknowledge that it's not always easy and that there are tough days, but they believe that choosing optimism is a powerful tool for overcoming challenges.

Q: What important lessons has John learned about leadership during the pandemic?

John highlights the importance of listening and hiring people with an optimistic and resilient mindset. Their leadership team and employees demonstrated remarkable resilience and proactivity during the pandemic, making it clear that they embody the values of Life is Good. John emphasizes the need for leaders to create an environment where everyone's voices can be heard and where there is space for collaboration and innovation.

Q: What lesson has Burt learned about leadership during the pandemic?

Burt emphasizes the importance of clarity in leadership. During challenging times, a lack of clarity can exacerbate problems. Life is Good's leaders remained clear about their mission and values, which guided them in making strategic decisions. Burt also emphasizes the value of enabling consumers to co-author the brand's story, recognizing that the community's input and engagement are essential for success.


Life is Good's resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic stems from their commitment to their mission of spreading optimism, their adaptive business model, and their strong community engagement. They responded to the pandemic by investing in technology to respond to consumer demand faster and by designing t-shirts with messages relevant to the crisis. Their e-commerce business thrived, and their values of gratitude, love, authenticity, and creativity played a vital role in navigating the challenges. Listening to their team and consumers, as well as providing clarity in leadership, were key lessons they learned during this time. Overall, Life is Good demonstrates the power of optimism and resilience in overcoming adversity.

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