Level up your friends like billionaires do. Here's how to do it. | Summary and Q&A

July 1, 2021
Garry Tan
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Level up your friends like billionaires do. Here's how to do it.


Surrounding yourself with intelligent, successful, and morally upright individuals is vital for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world.

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Key Insights

  • 👮 The law of averages suggests that spending time with certain people will influence your behavior and success.
  • 🤓 Communities of creators generate positive energy, inspire innovation, and attract support from geeks and fanatics.
  • 🥺 Mainstream acceptance often leads to the infiltration of sociopaths who prioritize personal gain over genuine creation.
  • 🛝 Surrounding yourself with morally upright individuals is crucial, as they keep you grounded and help you maintain authenticity.
  • 👯 Upgrading your peer group should focus on finding people with diverse viewpoints and informed opinions.
  • 😚 The average of your closest friends determines your growth and overall success.
  • ⚾ Genuine friendships and connections should be based on shared values, rather than monetary success.


professor cold takes scott galloway had this bad tweet recently you constantly want to be upgrading your peer group you want to hang out with smarter more successful more interesting higher character people because you will rise or fall to the level of your peer group oh my god that's a bad take you know why that's some real sociopath talk you must... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is upgrading your peer group important?

Upgrading your peer group allows for personal development, as you are likely to adopt the average traits and behaviors of those you spend time with. Surrounding yourself with intelligent and successful individuals can inspire growth.

Q: What is the role of communities in fostering creativity?

Communities of creators provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, collaboration, and support. Geeks and fanatics contribute their unique skills to support creators, leading to the development of subcultures centered around new innovations.

Q: How does mainstream acceptance affect a movement?

Mainstream acceptance attracts individuals who are solely interested in accumulating wealth, power, and fame. These sociopaths may try to infiltrate the movement but lack the passion and genuine creativity that creators possess.

Q: Can upgrading your peer group lead to negative consequences?

Upgrading your peer group in a superficial manner, solely for the purpose of gaining personal advantage, can lead to a negative reputation. Genuine connections and friendships should be formed based on shared values and mutual respect.

Q: Why is upgrading your peer group important?

Upgrading your peer group allows for personal development, as you are likely to adopt the average traits and behaviors of those you spend time with. Surrounding yourself with intelligent and successful individuals can inspire growth.

More Insights

  • The law of averages suggests that spending time with certain people will influence your behavior and success.

  • Communities of creators generate positive energy, inspire innovation, and attract support from geeks and fanatics.

  • Mainstream acceptance often leads to the infiltration of sociopaths who prioritize personal gain over genuine creation.

  • Surrounding yourself with morally upright individuals is crucial, as they keep you grounded and help you maintain authenticity.

  • Upgrading your peer group should focus on finding people with diverse viewpoints and informed opinions.

  • The average of your closest friends determines your growth and overall success.

  • Genuine friendships and connections should be based on shared values, rather than monetary success.

  • Career Karma is a platform that helps individuals break into the tech industry and find supportive communities for learning and growth.


In this video, the speaker challenges the idea that upgrading your peer group to be smarter, more successful, and higher character people will lead to personal success. They argue that a community of sociopaths will never outperform a community of creators. They promote the idea of surrounding oneself with geeks and creators who are passionate about their work and attract fanatics to support them. They caution against letting mainstream success go to one's head and emphasize the importance of maintaining genuine, grounded relationships with friends. The speaker warns against the allure of sociopaths who are only interested in accumulating money, power, and fame, and advises against constantly upgrading friends for personal gain.

Questions & Answers

Q: What does upgrading your peer group mean according to the speaker?

According to the speaker, upgrading your peer group means surrounding yourself with smarter, more successful, more interesting, and higher character people.

Q: Why does the speaker consider this idea to be a bad take?

The speaker considers this idea to be a bad take because it promotes a sociopathic mindset. They argue that constantly seeking out more successful people solely for personal gain is not beneficial in the long run.

Q: What is the law of averages and how does it relate to the concept of upgrading your peer group?

The law of averages states that most future events are likely to balance any past deviation from a presumed average. In the context of upgrading your peer group, it means that spending time with a group of friends will likely make you become more like the average member of that group over time.

Q: Why does the speaker want to hang out with creators?

The speaker wants to hang out with creators because they possess the skills, creativity, and inspiration to create incredible things for others. Being around creators allows the speaker to be part of a community that invents exciting new things and generates positive energy through sharing and collaboration.

Q: What role do fanatics play in supporting creators?

Fanatics contribute money, adoration, organization, and analysis to support creators. They are not creators themselves, but their support is crucial for the success and growth of the creators' work.

Q: How does a subculture form around a fringe technology?

A subculture forms around a fringe technology when a community of creators and fanatics gets established. These fringe characters are attracted to the innovative aspects of the technology and actively contribute to its development and promotion. As the technology gains wider adoption, the subculture transitions into mainstream acceptance.

Q: What caution does the speaker offer to leaders who gain mainstream acceptance?

The speaker cautions leaders who gain mainstream acceptance about the danger of letting the newfound popularity go to their heads. They warn against neglecting the principles and values that got them there, and urge leaders to constantly seek diverse perspectives and surround themselves with people who tell them what they really think rather than what they want to hear.

Q: According to the speaker, what is the true objective of leveling up your friends?

The true objective of leveling up your friends, according to the speaker, is not about surrounding yourself with the most successful people or those who have the most money. Instead, it is about bringing together the right set of people who uplift and support each other as human beings.

Q: How do legendary surfers Rob Machado and Kelly Slater view themselves post mega success?

Legendary surfers Rob Machado and Kelly Slater view themselves as normal people who should not be put on a pedestal or viewed as anything other than fellow individuals. They credit their grounded outlook to the way they were raised, the values instilled in them, and the maintenance of friendships formed before their success.

Q: What is the danger of constantly upgrading friends according to the speaker?

The danger of constantly upgrading friends, according to the speaker, is the risk of becoming seen as a superficial scenester. This can lead to people seeing through such behavior and labeling individuals as insincere. It also repels true creators and hinders personal growth within a community of like-minded individuals.


The speaker emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with creators and geeks who are genuinely passionate about their work and inspire positive energy. They caution against seeking success solely by upgrading friends for personal gain and warn about the allure of sociopaths who are only interested in accumulating money, power, and fame. The speaker urges the audience to value genuine relationships, maintain grounded perspectives, and be part of communities that help uplift and support one another.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Upgrading your peer group is essential as the law of averages suggests that spending time with certain people will influence your behavior and mindset.

  • Being part of a community of creators allows for the exchange of ideas, mutual support, and the generation of positive energy.

  • As a movement gains mainstream acceptance, it attracts sociopaths who value money, power, and fame over genuine creation.

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