Learning to Love Africa | Monique Maddy | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

April 20, 2007
Talks at Google
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Learning to Love Africa | Monique Maddy | Talks at Google


Monique Maddie, author and entrepreneur, shares her journey from Africa to Harvard Business School and back, highlighting the themes of African entrepreneurship, international development aid, and the role of business in poverty alleviation.

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Key Insights

  • 🤑 African entrepreneurship has a rich history that dates back centuries, but colonization and the slave trade disrupted economic development and led to a reliance on government aid.
  • đŸĻģ International development aid has often been ineffective in alleviating poverty, as it has not given governments the incentive to reform and promote entrepreneurship.
  • 👨‍đŸ’ŧ The role of business in poverty alleviation is crucial, as businesses create jobs, invest in infrastructure, and stimulate economic growth.
  • đŸ‘¯ Valuing the African people themselves and their ability to contribute to poverty alleviation is essential for sustainable development.
  • 😒 Google has the opportunity to use its resources and brainpower to make a significant impact in poverty alleviation, particularly through innovative and scalable solutions.
  • đŸŒĨī¸ Collaboration with other large foundations and institutions can leverage resources and expertise to create even greater impact in poverty alleviation efforts.
  • đŸ’Ē Cultural challenges and political instability in Africa present obstacles to poverty alleviation, but a focus on local participation and strong local partnerships can help overcome them.


hi everybody can you hear me yes good um so I'm Michelle stribling I I work in internal Communications here at Google and it's my pleasure to introduce Monique Maddie today um Monique mdty as many of you know is actually a googler she joined google.org in October of 2005 she's also an author and she's here to talk about her book which is called lea... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Monique Maddie come to write the book "Learning to Love Africa"?

Monique initially wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review about her experience running her telecommunications company and was approached by Harper Collins to write a book expanding on the article.

Q: What are the four central themes of the book?

The four central themes are African entrepreneurship, international development aid, the role of business in poverty alleviation, and the importance of valuing the African people themselves.

Q: How does Monique view the role of the UN and government in poverty alleviation?

Monique believes that the UN and government aid often fail to effectively alleviate poverty, as they do not provide incentive for governments to reform and promote entrepreneurship. She suggests that economic aid has often worsened the situation in poor countries.

Q: How does Monique see the role of business in poverty alleviation?

Monique believes that the private sector, rather than governments, should play a central role in poverty alleviation. She emphasizes the importance of creating an enabling environment for entrepreneurs to thrive and argues that businesses are key drivers of economic growth and job creation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Monique Maddie discusses her book "Learning to Love Africa" which focuses on four central themes: African entrepreneurship, international development aid, the role of business in poverty alleviation, and the African people themselves.

  • She highlights the historical roots of African entrepreneurship and the impact of colonization and the slave trade on economic development in the region.

  • Monique shares her personal experience as an entrepreneur in Africa and the challenges faced due to government policies and lack of infrastructure.

  • She argues that poverty alleviation is best achieved through the private sector and emphasizes the role of business in job creation and economic growth.

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