Learning from dirty jobs | Mike Rowe | Summary and Q&A

March 5, 2009
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Learning from dirty jobs | Mike Rowe


Mike Rowe recounts his experience as a sheep rancher and reflects on the misconceptions surrounding manual labor and the importance of skilled trades.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿ‘ Sheep ranching: The speaker's role on the show is to apprentice with individuals doing various jobs and provide an honest account of their experiences.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฌ Research on castration: The speaker does research on castrating lambs before taking part in the process, showing a commitment to accuracy and respect for the animals involved.
  • ๐ŸŒŠ Risky work: The speaker recounts his experience on a crab boat in hazardous conditions, highlighting the bravery and determination of people in dangerous jobs.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Challenging assumptions: The speaker challenges common advice to "follow your passion," sharing examples of individuals who found success by going against this advice and exploring other opportunities.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฅ Happy workers: Despite the difficult and dirty nature of their jobs, people in dirty jobs are often happier than expected, suggesting that job satisfaction goes beyond traditional notions of success.
  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ War on work: The speaker argues that society has waged a war on work through media portrayals, advertising messages, government policies, and technological advancements.
  • ๐Ÿ”จ Importance of skilled labor: The declining enrollment in trade schools and the need for infrastructure improvements highlight the importance of manual labor jobs and trade skills.
  • ๐ŸŒฑ Call for action: The speaker suggests the need for a PR campaign highlighting the benefits of skilled and manual labor and emphasizes the importance of creating jobs that people actually want.


The "Dirty Jobs" crew and I were called to a little town in Colorado, called Craig. It's only a couple dozen square miles. It's in the Rockies. And the job in question was sheep rancher. My role on the show, for those of you who haven't seen it -- it's pretty simple. I'm an apprentice, and I work with the people who do the jobs in question. And my ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What was Mike Rowe's initial reaction when he learned that castration was part of the sheep herding job?

When Rowe found out that castration was part of the job, he had concerns about the well-being of the animals and decided to research the humane way to perform the procedure.

Q: How did the rancher initially castrate the lambs, and why did Rowe disagree with this method?

The rancher used a knife to perform the castration, which Rowe found to be inhumane and distressing for the lambs. He wanted to use rubber bands instead, as suggested by veterinary organizations.

Q: How did Rowe's perception of manual labor and dirty jobs change after this experience?

Rowe came to realize that people with "dirty jobs" oftentimes lead fulfilling lives and are happier than those in traditional careers. He believes that the importance of skilled trades and manual labor have been underestimated and undervalued.

Q: What is Rowe's message regarding the current approach to work and infrastructure jobs?

Rowe emphasizes the need to prioritize infrastructure jobs and invest in skilled trades. He suggests that the focus should be on creating jobs that people genuinely want, rather than just attempting to increase employment numbers.


In this video, Mike Rowe talks about his experience working as an apprentice on the show "Dirty Jobs" and the misconceptions he had about certain jobs and the people who do them. He shares a specific story about his experience with sheep ranching and the process of castrating lambs. He recounts how his initial research on the subject did not align with the actual practice he witnessed, leading him to question his assumptions and challenge conventional wisdom about work and passion. Rowe discusses the importance of valuing and celebrating all types of work, including manual labor, and emphasizes the need for a PR campaign to highlight the benefits of these jobs.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was Mike Rowe's role on the show "Dirty Jobs"?

Mike Rowe was an apprentice on the show and worked with people in various jobs, trying to keep up and giving an honest account of their experiences.

Q: What was the job Mike Rowe had to do in the town of Craig, Colorado?

Mike had to work as a sheep rancher, specifically participating in the process of castrating lambs.

Q: How did Mike prepare for the task of castrating lambs?

Mike called the Humane Society, the SPCA, and PETA to gather information about the best approach to castration. He learned that a rubber band is usually used to restrict blood flow, causing the parts to fall off a week later.

Q: What happened when Mike witnessed the actual castration process?

Mike was surprised when the shepherd, Albert, pulled out a knife instead of a rubber band. He quickly performed the castration, causing Mike to question the method.

Q: Why did Mike decide to stop Albert and suggest using the rubber bands instead?

Mike was concerned about accurately portraying the castration process on the show and ensuring the well-being of the animals. He wanted to use the method recommended by the Humane Society to avoid causing unnecessary pain and bleeding.

Q: What happened when Mike and Albert switched to using rubber bands for castration?

One lamb experienced distress and had difficulty walking after the castration, while another lamb seemed to recover quickly and was frolicking and eating grass.

Q: What realization did Mike have after witnessing the different outcomes of the two castration methods?

Mike realized that his assumptions about certain jobs and the people who do them were often wrong. He recognized that people with dirty jobs, like sheep ranchers, can be happy and satisfied with their work despite the challenges and misconceptions associated with it.

Q: What did Mike's friend, a social anthropologist, suggest to him?

Mike's friend suggested that he should consider using his experiences and insights from working with various industries and jobs to comment on the thoughts and collective mindset of the people doing those jobs.

Q: What did Mike conclude about passion and work?

Mike challenged the notion of "follow your passion" as the best advice for finding fulfilling work. He shared examples of successful individuals who didn't necessarily follow their passion but instead took advantage of opportunities and identified markets or needs that others overlooked.

Q: What were some of the other misconceptions and assumptions about work that Mike started to question?

Mike began to question the emphasis on safety as the top priority in work environments, suggesting that other factors such as effectiveness and the business of getting the work done may take precedence. He also questioned the portrayal of working-class individuals in media and the declining enrollment in trade schools.

Q: What did Mike propose as a solution to the war on work and the need for more infrastructure jobs?

Mike proposed a PR campaign to promote and celebrate manual labor and skilled trades. He highlighted the importance of creating jobs that people actually want and acknowledged the need for significant investment in infrastructure and trades education.


Mike Rowe's experience on "Dirty Jobs" challenged his assumptions and led him to question conventional wisdom about work. He realized that people with dirty jobs can be happy and satisfied, and there is a need to celebrate and value all types of work. He urged for a PR campaign to change perceptions of manual labor and skilled trades. Rowe also emphasized the importance of creating jobs that people want and investing in infrastructure and trades education.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Mike Rowe works as an apprentice on the TV show "Dirty Jobs" and joins a sheep rancher in Colorado to learn about sheep herding.

  • He discovers that castrating lambs is part of the job and researches the humane way to do it, only to find out that the rancher uses a knife instead of rubber bands.

  • Rowe challenges the perception of work and discusses how people with "dirty jobs" are often happier and more fulfilled than others.

  • He advocates for the importance of skilled trades and the need to prioritize and invest in infrastructure jobs.

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