Leading With AI and Heart | Joya Scarlata | TEDxVivekanandSchool | Summary and Q&A

January 17, 2024
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Leading With AI and Heart | Joya Scarlata | TEDxVivekanandSchool


The fusion of AI and human insight in leadership is essential for a future where leaders are both data-driven and empathetic.

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Key Insights

  • 💄 AI can enhance leadership by providing data-driven insights, but human perspective and empathy are essential for making responsible and ethical decisions.
  • 📺 Leadership is a multifaceted practice that involves vision, empathy, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and inspiration.
  • ✊ The fusion of AI and empathy challenges traditional notions of power, highlighting the need for ethical responsibility in leadership.
  • 🔨 AI tools can streamline processes, but they cannot replace the irreplaceable value of human insight in decision-making.
  • 👻 AI can shift leadership approaches from intuition-based to data-driven, allowing for more informed decision-making.
  • ❓ Integrating AI into leadership requires a balanced approach that incorporates empathy and ethical judgment.
  • 🥺 Starting small and integrating AI-generated insights into specific areas of leadership can lead to an overall transformation of one's leadership style.


Transcriber: Nastia Salikova Reviewer: Leonard Ryunosuke I want you to close your eyes and imagine a leader that you truly admire. It can be anyone. A historic figure. A modern day inventor. Or perhaps someone closer to home. Do you have someone in mind for me? As long as I can remember, I have always looked up to my dad. In my eyes, he is a man ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the speaker view leadership prior to her MBA program?

Before her MBA program, the speaker viewed leadership as a straightforward exercise involving guiding and decision-making. Her perspective shifted upon realizing the multifaceted nature of leadership.

Q: How has AI influenced the speaker's current role?

AI has changed and transformed the speaker's daily leadership practices. It has shifted her approach from intuition to data-driven decision-making, using AI tools to interpret market trends and consumer behavior.

Q: Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of human perspective in leadership?

The speaker realized that no matter how many AI tools she used, they could not provide the important human perspective needed for decision-making. Human insight is invaluable and complements AI's analytical capabilities.

Q: How does the speaker suggest integrating AI into leadership?

The speaker advises starting small by identifying specific areas in one's role that can benefit from AI insights, such as streamlining processes. It is essential to use AI-generated insights to augment understanding while maintaining empathy and ethical judgment in decision-making.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker reflects on her admiration for her father as a leader and introduces the concept of combining AI capabilities with human intuition.

  • The fusion of AI and empathy in leadership challenges traditional notions of power and highlights the importance of ethical responsibility.

  • The speaker shares personal experiences of how AI has influenced her leadership style and emphasizes the irreplaceable value of human insight.

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