Larsen Ice Shelf Expedition | Rodrigo Jordan | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

December 7, 2007
Talks at Google
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Larsen Ice Shelf Expedition | Rodrigo Jordan | Talks at Google


Rodrigo Heran shares his experiences leading high-performance teams in extreme conditions, highlighting the importance of teamwork, decision-making, and adaptability.

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Key Insights

  • 😤 Technical skills are crucial but must be complemented by strong social skills within a team.
  • 😤 Leaders need to let go of personal desires and empower teams to make decisions.
  • ♻️ Creating an emotional environment that fosters collaboration and innovation is essential for success.
  • 🦺 Commercial expeditions can contribute to summit fever, prioritizing client satisfaction over safety.
  • 😤 Team members should be chosen based on their ability to balance technical excellence with strong social skills.
  • 😤 In extreme conditions, decision-making should involve the entire team, allowing for adaptive problem-solving.
  • ✋ The motivation to undertake high-risk expeditions often stems from the desire to explore new challenges and problem-solving opportunities.


hey good afternoon everybody uh my name is EV Whit I work in the leadership development group here at Google and it's my pleasure today to u to bring my good friend Rodrigo heran to Google to talk to you about some of his experiences leading and forming high performance teams in very extreme conditions um Rodrigo was the leader of the first success... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do commercial expeditions to Mount Everest contribute to summit fever?

Commercial expeditions often prioritize getting clients to the summit, leading to risky decision-making in adverse weather conditions. The pressure to provide a successful summit experience can compromise safety.

Q: How does Heran select team members, considering both technical and social skills?

Heran builds teams gradually over time, starting with shorter trips to gauge team dynamics and individual strengths. He values individuals who can balance technical excellence with strong social skills and emphasizes the importance of a team's collective abilities.

Q: How does Heran approach decision-making in extreme conditions?

Heran believes in involving the entire team in decision-making processes, especially when determining who should go to the summit. He seeks consensus and believes adaptive problem-solving is key, with the best solutions emerging from the team rather than the leader alone.

Q: What motivates Heran to take on such high-risk expeditions?

Heran is driven by the challenge of pushing boundaries and solving new problems. He finds motivation in exploring uncharted territories, both physically and mentally, and enjoys the process of discovering new ways to achieve his goals.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Rodrigo Heran is a renowned mountaineer and leader of successful expeditions to Mount Everest, K2, and other challenging peaks.

  • He emphasizes the crucial role of both technical and social skills in forming high-performance teams.

  • Heran reflects on the need for leaders to let go of personal desires and empower teams to make decisions.

  • He discusses the importance of creating an emotional environment that fosters collaboration and innovation.

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