Knife Fight | Bill Guttentag | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

February 20, 2013
Talks at Google
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Knife Fight | Bill Guttentag | Talks at Google


Bill Guttentag discusses his film "Knife Fight" which provides an inside look at the realities of modern-day politics.

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Key Insights

  • 🏅 Politics is often a blood sport where tactics are used to win elections and everything is manufactured.
  • 🛰️ Plausibility in a film is important to maintain the audience's engagement and belief in the story being told.
  • 🥵 Political consultants are affected by events in their personal lives, but in the heat of a campaign, they can do things they may regret later.
  • ❤️‍🩹 The American election cycle is continuous, with speculation about future campaigns beginning even before the current one ends.


MALE SPEAKER: Good afternoon, everyone. And welcome to another Filmmakers@Google talk. And today we're in conversation with Bill Guttentag. And so he's here today talking about his latest film, which is "Knife Fight." It chronicles the modern-day realities of behind "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." So it's really how the sausage is made in the moder... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the idea for "Knife Fight" originate?

Guttentag wanted to delve into the world of politics and create a film about the behind-the-scenes of a real political race, but encountered challenges with access.

Q: How does the film balance realism and fiction?

The film is fictional, but Guttentag aimed to make the conversations and situations feel real. Political consultants who have seen the film have remarked on its authenticity.

Q: What inspired the character played by Rob Lowe?

The character is loosely based on Chris Lehane, a prominent Democratic political consultant who works on various campaigns throughout the country and internationally.

Q: Why did Guttentag choose to set the film in California?

California is a center of political intrigue and the film wanted to appeal to an audience who naturally has a greater interest in what happens in the state.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • "Knife Fight" is a film that explores the behind-the-scenes workings of a political consultant during a general election.

  • Bill Guttentag, the film's director, originally wanted to create a documentary about the inner workings of a political race but faced difficulties gaining access.

  • The film examines the manufactured nature of politics and the use of tactics to win elections.

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