Keep Redefining What You Do | Summary and Q&A

May 13, 2019
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Keep Redefining What You Do

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In this video, the importance of working hard and valuing your time is discussed. The first tweet emphasizes the need to become the best in the world at what you do by constantly redefining your skills and objectives. The idea is to be authentic to yourself while striving to be number one in your niche. The second part talks about the importance of finding founder product market fit for entrepreneurs, where their natural inclination aligns with building the right product for a market. Both concepts highlight the need to manage multiple objectives and focus simultaneously.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important to become the best in the world at what you do?

Becoming the best in the world at what you do is crucial if you want to get paid and be successful in your field. It means you have surpassed all your competitors and established yourself as a top authority. Being the best allows you to command higher rates, attract more opportunities, and gain recognition for your expertise. It may seem daunting, but the key is to focus on your niche and continuously redefine your skills and objectives until you reach the pinnacle of your profession.

Q: Can you give examples of people who are successful by being authentic to themselves?

Oprah and Joe Rogan are perfect examples of individuals who have achieved success by being authentic to themselves. They get paid for simply being who they are because they have built their personal brand around their unique qualities and interests. Oprah is known for her empathy, influential interviews, and empowering content. Joe Rogan, on the other hand, has created a successful podcast by being himself - a comedian, martial arts enthusiast, and curious conversationalist. By embracing their authentic selves, they have become highly successful and influential figures in their respective domains.

Q: How can one become the best at something without setting an arbitrary goal?

The key is to adapt your objectives to align with your specific knowledge, skill sets, position, capabilities, location, and interests. Rather than setting a generic goal like being the fastest runner in the world, focus on finding what you can excel at within your unique circumstances and passions. By continuously refining and changing what you do, while keeping in mind the goal of being the best, you can converge on a path that allows you to attain excellence while staying true to yourself. It's a process that requires introspection, experimentation, and a willingness to adapt.

Q: What is founder product market fit and why is it essential for entrepreneurs?

Founder product market fit refers to the alignment between an entrepreneur's natural inclinations, skills, and passions with building a product that has a market demand. It's about finding the perfect fit between the person building the product (the founder), the product itself, and the target market. When these three factors align, entrepreneurs have a higher chance of success. It means they are working on something they are naturally inclined to excel at, which increases their motivation, reduces the risk of burnout, and improves the likelihood of building a profitable and sustainable business.

Q: How can one manage multivariate problems and multiple objectives?

Managing multivariate problems and multiple objectives simultaneously requires comfort with complexity and balancing competing priorities. In the context of becoming the best and finding founder product market fit, it means considering different factors such as skills, goals, market demands, personal values, and authenticity. The ability to juggle these multiple objectives involves effective planning, prioritization, and adaptability. It requires a growth mindset, the willingness to learn, and the ability to make informed decisions based on various inputs and factors. Embracing complexity and developing strong problem-solving skills will help individuals navigate these multifaceted challenges successfully.


The video emphasizes the importance of working hard, valuing your time, and continuously striving to be the best at what you do. It highlights the necessity of being authentic to yourself and leveraging your unique qualities and interests to achieve success. Additionally, it underscores the significance of finding founder product market fit for entrepreneurs, aligning their natural inclinations with viable business opportunities. Overall, the key takeaway is the need to embrace complexity, manage multiple objectives, and develop a strategic approach to navigating the challenges of personal and professional growth.

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