Kate Darling: Social Robotics | Lex Fridman Podcast #98 | Summary and Q&A

May 23, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Kate Darling: Social Robotics | Lex Fridman Podcast #98


Kate Darling, a researcher at MIT, discusses the emotional connection between humans and lifelike robots, the ethical issues in robotics, and the societal impact of human-robot relationships.

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Key Insights

  • Kate Darling is a researcher at MIT interested in social robotics and the intersection of technology and society.
  • She explores the emotional connection between humans and lifelike machines.
  • Anthropomorphism is the tendency to project human-like traits onto non-human objects or animals.
  • Robots with human-like qualities can elicit emotional responses from people, even though they are aware that the robot is not alive.
  • The use of robots in various social contexts raises ethical issues, such as responsibility for harm and privacy.
  • Views on robot ethics, automation, and labor markets vary, and it is important to consider the social implications of these technologies.
  • People's behavior towards robots can reveal insights into their general tendencies for empathy and violence.
  • The topic of sex robots raises ethical questions and debates about the connection between humans and machines.


the following is a conversation with Kate darling a researcher at MIT interested in social robotics robotics and generally how technology intersects with society she explores the emotional connection between human beings and lifelike machines which for me is one of the most exciting topics in all of artificial intelligence as she writes in her bio ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some ethical issues in the field of robotics?

Ethical issues in robotics include responsibility for harm caused by automated weapon systems, privacy and data security concerns, and the impact of automation on labor markets. Additionally, social issues arise from human-robot relationships.

Q: What are the societal issues that come with human-robot relationships?

One societal issue is the potential abuse of robots, as people may subconsciously treat them like living things. Another issue is the impact of robots on the job landscape and concerns about automation taking away jobs.

Q: Do you think humans will abuse robots in their interactions with them?

While the behavior of humans towards robots does not currently cause harm to the robots themselves, it is interesting to consider how such behavior may affect human behavior and desensitize people to violence.

Q: Can we learn from animal rights advocates when thinking about human-robot relationships?

Yes, there is much to learn from animal rights advocates. Kate Darling is writing a book on the history of animal domestication and how it can inform our understanding of social relationships with robots.

Q: Do you think it's possible to have an intimate relationship with a robot?

While it is possible for some individuals to form emotional connections with robots, Kate Darling believes that robots will likely serve as a different type of relationship, similar to pets, rather than human-to-human relationships.

Q: How do you think robots can practice empathy in their interactions with humans?

Robots can practice empathy through their design and behavior, such as mimicking pain or distress when mistreated. This can help humans form a deeper connection with the robot, but it raises questions about emotional manipulation.

Q: What are the challenges in creating personal robotics companies that successfully connect with users?

The challenges include managing user expectations, creating a killer application that drives widespread adoption, and addressing the business case for personal robotics. Companies like Anki and Jibo faced difficulties in meeting user expectations and generating sustainable revenue.

Q: How can we address the ethical concerns related to data collection and manipulation by technology companies?

Addressing ethical concerns requires interdisciplinary collaboration and transparency. Companies should be more open about how algorithms work, and policymakers should consider legislation to ensure transparency and protect consumer interests.

Q: What are your thoughts on intellectual property and transparency in the software and AI space?

The current intellectual property system is flawed, especially in the software and AI space. Balancing the need for innovation and protecting ideas while promoting transparency and openness is a complex challenge that needs to be addressed.


In this video, Kate Darling, a researcher at MIT, discusses the emotional connection between humans and lifelike machines and the ethical issues that arise in the field of robotics. She explores topics such as robot ethics, the impact of automation on labor markets, and the potential abuse of robots in human-robot interactions. Darling also touches on the concept of anthropomorphism and its role in human-robot relationships. She shares her thoughts on the potential benefits and concerns associated with robots in various contexts, including military applications and sex robots.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some ethical issues that arise with robots?

Some of the ethical issues in robotics involve the responsible use of robotic technology, including the use of automated weapon systems, privacy and data security concerns, and the impact of automation on labor markets. Additionally, social issues can arise in human-robot interactions, such as the potential for abuse or mistreatment of robots.

Q: Could robots replace humans due to automation?

While there is concern about robots taking away jobs, it is important to view robotic technology as a supplement to human labor rather than a one-to-one replacement. While automation may change the job landscape, it is unlikely that robots will completely eliminate all jobs in the next 20 years.

Q: Do humans have a tendency to abuse robots in their interactions?

Humans may subconsciously treat robots as living things and project emotions onto them, despite knowing that they are interacting with machines. While there is concern about potential abuse, it is important to note that current robots are not advanced enough to experience harm or have feelings. However, it is interesting to consider how people's behavior towards robots may reflect their tendencies for empathy.

Q: Can humans learn from animal rights when thinking about ethics in robotics?

There is much to learn from animal rights when considering human-robot interactions. By examining the history of animal domestication and our various relationships with animals throughout time, we can gain insight into how we may interact with robots. The idea of treating robots with respect and acknowledging their societal value can stem from our treatment of animals.

Q: Could robots have rights in the future?

While there is currently no need to grant robots rights, the consideration of robot rights is an interesting topic for discussion. While robots may not have consciousness or the ability to experience emotions, it is possible to imagine a future where robots have advanced to a level where ethical questions surrounding their rights need to be addressed.

Q: Can robots be used to practice empathy?

Yes, robots can provide an opportunity to practice empathy. While some argue that empathy should be directed towards fellow humans or animals rather than robots, practicing empathy with robots does not mean neglecting empathy towards other beings. It is a way to exercise and strengthen our ability to empathize in different contexts.

Q: How can anthropomorphism be harnessed in human-robot interaction?

Anthropomorphism, the projection of human-like qualities onto nonhumans, can enhance human-robot interaction. By designing robots that mimic certain human characteristics or behaviors, we can create a sense of connection and engagement. However, it is important to avoid overusing anthropomorphism, especially in situations where a robot needs to be perceived as a tool rather than a living being.

Q: What are some concerns with anthropomorphism?

Concerns arise when people treat robots that are meant to be tools as living beings or become emotionally attached to robots performing dangerous tasks. Emotional attachment to robots in such situations can lead to suboptimal decision-making, where individuals prioritize the well-being of robots over their own safety or the safety of others.

Q: Can ethical decisions be encoded into algorithms for robots?

Encoding ethical decisions into algorithms is a complex task, and there is often no consensus on what is ethically right or wrong. The process of creating these algorithms can expose the challenges in determining societal standards and highlight the disconnect between personal moral intuitions and the need for systematic rules.

Q: What are some positive and negative examples of anthropomorphism?

Positive examples of anthropomorphism include the emotional connection and engagement people have with robots like the Plio dinosaur and Boston Dynamics' robots. In these cases, anthropomorphism enhances the user experience and creates meaningful interactions. Negative examples can arise when people treat robots as tools inappropriately, or when companies manipulate emotional connections to exploit users.

Q: What are some favorite robots in films or fiction?

One favorite robot mentioned is WALL-E from the movie WALL-E. The humor, cuteness, and design of WALL-E make it an impressive and endearing character. Additionally, the Boston Dynamics robots are impressive feats of engineering in terms of control and movement, eliciting a sense of agency and connection.


Robots and their impact on society raise important ethical questions. The responsible use of robotic technology is crucial, considering aspects such as harm, privacy, and labor markets. Human-robot relationships can be influenced by anthropomorphism, with both positive and negative effects. The potential for emotional attachment to robots, especially in hazardous tasks or abusive contexts, is a concern. Ethical decision-making in robotics involves complex considerations and the challenge of encoding ethics into algorithms. Despite the potential benefits of robots in enhancing human interactions, careful consideration of their social impact is essential.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Kate Darling is interested in exploring the emotional connection between humans and robots, especially in terms of social robotics.

  • She discusses the ethical issues in robotics, such as responsibility for harm, privacy and data security, and automation and labor markets.

  • Kate is also interested in the societal impact of human-robot relationships, including the potential abuse of robots and the concept of rights for robots.

Questions and answers:

Q: What are some ethical issues in the field of robotics?

Ethical issues in robotics include responsibility for harm caused by automated weapon systems, privacy and data security concerns, and the impact of automation on labor markets. Additionally, social issues arise from human-robot relationships.

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