Just How Stupid Are We? | Rick Shenkman | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

December 10, 2008
Talks at Google
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Just How Stupid Are We? | Rick Shenkman | Talks at Google


American voters are largely uninformed and easily swayed by superficial issues, leading to a shallow and ineffective political environment.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿˆ American voters have been found to be largely uninformed and easily manipulated by politicians.
  • ๐Ÿ’ Politicians often appeal to superficial issues rather than engaging in substantive policy discussions.
  • โ—ผ๏ธ The media prioritizes entertainment and sensationalism, which contributes to the lack of informed voters.


well I guess you know who i am i'm rick champion an author of recent book called just how stupid are we facing the truth about the American voter and the truth is very very grim so what I'm going to do is kind of bring it real low you didn't get a little bit fresh and then hopefully for the end we kind of bring me back up all right first want to fi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are American voters uninformed and easily swayed by superficial issues?

American voters have been shown to lack knowledge and understanding of political issues, and politicians take advantage of this by appealing to their emotions and superficial concerns, rather than engaging in substantive policy discussions.

Q: How has the media contributed to the problem of uninformed voters?

The media prioritizes entertainment and sensationalism, which leads to a lack of substantive coverage of political issues. This results in voters being inundated with superficial and sensationalized news stories, rather than being informed about important policy matters.

Q: What are the negative consequences of having uninformed voters?

Uninformed voters can be easily manipulated by politicians, leading to decisions that may not be in the best interest of the country. This has been evident in instances such as the Iraq War, where public opinion was swayed by misinformation.

Q: Can the lack of informed voters be addressed?

Educating voters and encouraging them to seek out reliable information is essential in improving the level of informed decision-making. However, it is a challenging task to overcome the dynamics of the media and the political system that perpetuate the problem.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • American voters have been found to know very little about political issues and have a tendency to focus on superficial matters rather than important policy discussions.

  • Politicians often manipulate voters by appealing to popular myths and grand narratives rather than discussing important issues in a serious manner.

  • The media has also contributed to the problem, as they prioritize entertainment and sensationalism over substantive coverage of political issues.

  • The lack of informed voters has led to negative consequences, such as the Iraq War, where public opinion was swayed by misinformation.

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