Just Because My Husband’s A Woman | Marcy Madden | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

January 25, 2018
Talks at Google
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Just Because My Husband’s A Woman | Marcy Madden | Talks at Google


Marcy Madden shares her journey of love and acceptance as she supports her transgender partner, Scottie, in transitioning from husband to wife.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Open communication and patience are crucial in supporting a transitioning partner.
  • 👪 Support from friends and family is vital in navigating challenging times.
  • 🥺 Challenging societal labels and expectations leads to personal growth and acceptance.
  • ❓ Embracing a partner's identity and journey can strengthen a relationship.
  • 🆘 Understanding one's role in karma can help erase blame and foster acceptance.
  • 🥰 Embracing individual identities and love is more important than conforming to societal norms.
  • 🥰 Love and commitment can endure through challenges and changes.


[MUSIC PLAYING] MONICA WALSH: Today, the Talks at Google series is featuring author Marcy Madden and her wife, Jeanette. Scottie Jeanette Madden. And Marcy recently wrote a book called "Just Because My Husband Is a Woman," and it's receiving five star ratings on Amazon. I'm really looking forward to her telling us her story, her side of the story. ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Marcy initially react when Scottie came out as transgender?

Marcy experienced a range of emotions, from denial to fear, but with time and open communication, she embraced and supported Scottie's journey.

Q: How did Marcy's relationship with family and friends change after Scottie's transition?

Marcy's friends and family were incredibly supportive and understanding, ensuring Marcy did not feel ignored or marginalized during this transition. The love and acceptance from her network were instrumental in her own growth.

Q: What lessons on spirituality did Marcy learn from her experience?

Marcy contemplated the power of words, reevaluated her beliefs and concepts, and embraced the idea that everything in life is part of one's karma. This understanding helped her erase blame and accept her role in being supportive.

Q: How did Marcy's day-to-day life change after Scottie's transition?

Marcy discovered a newfound interest in makeup and let go of societal expectations around gender roles. She became more affectionate with Scottie in public and felt more comfortable embracing her own identity, regardless of labels.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Marcy and Scottie are co-founders of Zuzubean Press, dedicated to creating a safer, more loving world for LGBTQIA+ people and their families.

  • Marcy recounts the moment Scottie came out as transgender after 20 years of marriage, and the challenges and growth they experienced together.

  • Marcy reflects on her own identity, challenges societal labels, and reevaluates her understanding of love, commitment, and marriage.

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