Joey Diaz on Conor McGregor vs. Tyron Woodley & The UFC | Summary and Q&A

January 2, 2017
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Joey Diaz on Conor McGregor vs. Tyron Woodley & The UFC


Analysis of potential UFC matchups and fighter strategies for upcoming bouts.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🚒 Controversy surrounding fighter contracts and matchup decisions in the UFC.
  • 🧑‍🚒 Speculations about potential matchups between top UFC fighters.
  • 👨‍💼 Influence of business considerations in deciding fight pairings.
  • 🧑‍🚒 Importance of upcoming bouts for fighters like Tony Ferguson, Khabib Nurmagomedov, and Conor McGregor.
  • 🧑‍🚒 Insights into the strategic discussions among UFC fighters and their potential future matchups.
  • 🧑‍🚒 Analysis of potential title fights and future UFC matchups.
  • 🧑‍🚒 Considerations about risk-free fights and potential outcomes for fighters in different divisions.


join my day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day January February March April May June 6 months then the heavyweight division needs them soft [ __ ] yeah John Jones first heavyweight fight Brock Lesnar ba-ba-ba-ba you're welcome bum-bum-bum-bum-bum yeah imagine that fight the only problem is dumb did you think so yes big Merkel min the grappling I th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some potential UFC matchups discussed in the content?

The content explores potential matchups between fighters like Conor McGregor, Tony Ferguson, Khabib Nurmagomedov, and Tyron Woodley.

Q: How does the discussion touch upon fighter contracts and matchup decisions?

The content delves into the controversy surrounding fighter contracts, matchups, and the influence of business considerations in deciding fight pairings.

Q: What insights are provided about the future of UFC fighter matchups and title fights?

Speculations are made about potential title fights, including the significance of upcoming bouts for fighters like Tony Ferguson, Khabib Nurmagomedov, and Conor McGregor in the UFC landscape.


In this video, Joey Diaz and his guest discuss potential matchups in the UFC, including Conor McGregor's next fight. They speculate on possible fights between Conor McGregor and Tony Ferguson, Conor McGregor and Tyron Woodley, and Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov. They also discuss the current state of the heavyweight division and express their opinions on various fighters.

Questions & Answers

Q: Who do they suggest Conor McGregor should fight next?

They suggest Conor McGregor should fight either Tony Ferguson, Tyron Woodley, or Khabib Nurmagomedov next. They believe these fights would generate significant interest and make the most money.

Q: Why do they think Conor McGregor won't fight Tony Ferguson?

They believe that Conor McGregor and his team want to protect him and set up the biggest money fights. They think that Tony Ferguson is too tough of a matchup for Conor and that it wouldn't sell as well as other potential matchups.

Q: What is their opinion on the matchup between Conor McGregor and Tyron Woodley?

They believe that a fight between Conor McGregor and Tyron Woodley would be a huge draw, as it would involve two champions from different weight classes. They think this fight would generate a lot of interest and make a significant amount of money.

Q: Why do they think Conor McGregor might not fight in the lightweight division again?

They speculate that Conor McGregor might not fight in the lightweight division again because he wants to pursue other big-money fights and maximize his earning potential. They suggest that he might focus on fights in different weight classes or even move up to the welterweight division.

Q: How do they think the UFC will set up Conor McGregor's future fights?

They believe that the UFC will strategically plan Conor McGregor's fights based on potential sales and revenue. They think that the UFC will try to set up fights that will generate the most interest and make the most money, rather than strictly following a logical order of contenders.

Q: Why do they think a fight between Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov is a good matchup?

They think that a fight between Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov would be an exciting matchup because of their contrasting styles. Conor McGregor is known for his striking abilities, while Khabib Nurmagomedov is known for his grappling skills. They think this clash of styles would make for an interesting and competitive fight.

Q: What possible fight do they suggest for Khabib Nurmagomedov if he doesn't fight Conor McGregor?

They suggest that Khabib Nurmagomedov could fight Tony Ferguson if a fight with Conor McGregor doesn't materialize. They believe this would be a highly anticipated fight and would generate a lot of interest from fans.

Q: Why do they think Tony Ferguson deserves a title shot?

They believe that Tony Ferguson deserves a title shot because of his impressive skills and performances in the lightweight division. They think he is one of the top contenders and that a fight between him and Khabib Nurmagomedov would be a major draw.

Q: How do they think the UFC will handle the heavyweight division?

They express their opinion that the heavyweight division needs fresh challengers and suggest that some fighters might be using performance-enhancing drugs. They believe that the UFC should focus on bringing in talented fighters from other weight classes or even other promotions to shake up the division.

Q: What do they see as the biggest embarrassment in the UFC?

They believe that the biggest embarrassment in the UFC is the use of performance-enhancing drugs by fighters, particularly in high-profile fights. They mention the fight between Brock Lesnar and Mark Hunt as an example, where Lesnar was found to have tested positive for banned substances.


The video highlights the speculation and opinions of Joey Diaz and his guest regarding potential matchups in the UFC, particularly for Conor McGregor. They discuss various fights, including Conor McGregor vs. Tony Ferguson, Conor McGregor vs. Tyron Woodley, and Conor McGregor vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov. They also express their opinions on the state of the heavyweight division and the issue of performance-enhancing drugs in the UFC. Overall, they emphasize the importance of making fights that will generate the most interest and revenue for the promotion.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on potential UFC matchups and fighter strategies for upcoming bouts.

  • Controversy surrounding fighter contracts and matchup decisions.

  • Speculation on the future of UFC fighter matchups and potential title fights.

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