Joey Diaz - "Laurie Jack"€ (from Joe Rogan Experience #884) | Summary and Q&A

December 11, 2016
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Joey Diaz - "Laurie Jack"€ (from Joe Rogan Experience #884)


This content discusses the speaker's experience with VD (Venereal Disease) and the consequences of risky sexual behavior.

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Key Insights

  • 🦺 The content highlights the emotional impact of witnessing the consequences of VD and the importance of practicing safe sex.
  • 💉 It emphasizes the need for proper sexual health education to prevent the spread of VD.
  • 🔇 The speaker's personal experiences showcase the stigma and judgment often associated with individuals who have VD.
  • ❓ The story reveals how rumors and gossip can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and further stigmatize those affected by VD.
  • 🪡 The speaker's casual attitude towards the risks of VD highlights the need for increased awareness and prevention efforts.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ The incident involving the speaker's acquaintance being a nanny for someone also infected with VD underscores the interconnectedness of sexual health and personal relationships.
  • 🙂 The speaker's admission of engaging in risky behavior despite knowing the potential consequences sheds light on the complex nature of decision-making regarding sexual health.


hello freak but that's what VD is you know V DS of sexual transmitted disease when we talk about someone having VD when I was about 17 my friend his sister's best friend and he's got something he got VD he got VD and we went to the next day and there was a chick with like like the Phantom of the Opera mark on her face dog it was crazy what was th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is VD and why is it dangerous?

VD, also known as Venereal Disease, refers to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). These diseases can be dangerous because they can lead to serious health problems if left untreated, such as infertility or increased risk of HIV transmission.

Q: How can someone protect themselves from contracting VD?

The best way to protect yourself from VD is to practice safe sex. This includes using condoms, getting tested regularly for STDs, and being selective with sexual partners. Education about STDs and their symptoms is also crucial in recognizing potential risks.

Q: How does the speaker's story highlight the importance of sexual health awareness?

The speaker's story demonstrates the consequences of engaging in risky sexual behavior without proper knowledge or precautions. It serves as a reminder for individuals to prioritize sexual health and make informed decisions to protect themselves and their partners.

Q: What are some common misconceptions about VD?

One common misconception is that VD only affects promiscuous individuals. In reality, anyone who engages in unprotected sex or has multiple partners is at risk. Another misconception is that all VD infections have visible symptoms, when in fact some infections can be asymptomatic.


In this video clip, the speaker recounts various encounters with individuals who had contracted venereal diseases (VD). He shares a story about a girl with syphilis and how her rash affected her face. The speaker also talks about a friend's sister's best friend who was known to have VD and how it made him cautious about sexual encounters. He mentions a girl from his high school who had VD and the torment she experienced. Additionally, he tells a story about a woman he met in a bar who was known to have VD and their encounter. The speaker admits to engaging in risky behavior and getting crabs in the mid-80s.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the mark on the girl's face that the speaker encountered?

The girl had a purple and red mark on her face due to an infection she acquired from performing oral sex while having a cut on her lip.

Q: How did the speaker's friend's sister's best friend acquire VD?

The speaker's friend's sister's best friend acquired VD through sexual activity.

Q: How did the speaker react upon seeing the girl with VD at the clinic with his friend?

The speaker was shocked and realized the importance of being cautious and careful about sexual encounters after witnessing the consequences of VD.

Q: How did the speaker's friends refer to someone with VD?

The speaker's friends used to say, "Betty got VD" or "that girl has VD." It was a way of identifying and gossiping about someone with VD.

Q: Why did the speaker call a particular girl from Wayne, New Jersey the "dry hump family"?

The speaker referred to this girl as the "dry hump family" because she was not sexually receptive, and they had to use lubrication during their encounters.

Q: Why did the speaker mention a guy named Jack during his story about a girl with VD?

The speaker associated the name Jack with the girl because people used to sing a song about her having VD, and they called her Laurie Jacked.

Q: What happened when the speaker encountered the girl from his high school who had VD?

The speaker saw the girl at a bar, and she was attractive and popular. She later disappeared, and it was rumored that she had VD.

Q: What made the speaker decide to visit the house of the girl who was being a nanny?

The speaker was intrigued by the girl and her connection to a guy who previously owned a massage parlor. He decided to go to her house to confront her.

Q: What happened when the speaker met the girl from the house late at night?

The girl came outside wearing a robe, and the speaker insisted that she leaves with him. They argued, and eventually, she ran out with her purse.

Q: What did the speaker and the girl do after leaving the house together?

They went to a cheap hotel, where they engaged in drug use and sexual activity. The speaker eventually left after waking up to Doug Flutie, a famous football player, scoring a touchdown on the TV.

Q: Did the speaker ever see the girl again after that evening?

No, the speaker never saw the girl again after that encounter.


The speaker's stories shed light on his experiences and encounters with individuals who have contracted VD. The narratives serve as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the importance of safe sexual practices and the potential consequences of engaging in risky behavior. It is crucial to prioritize one's sexual health and be aware of the risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker recalls a personal incident involving a friend contracting VD and witnessing someone with syphilis.

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of being cautious in sexual encounters and shares a story about a girl rumored to have VD.

  • The speaker talks about a girl he knew who contracted VD and the risky behavior surrounding that episode.

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