Joe Rogan Experience #1536 - Edward Snowden | Summary and Q&A

September 15, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1536 - Edward Snowden


  • Edward Snowden exposed illegal surveillance programs, sparking privacy rights debate.

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Key Insights

  • 🗯️ Recent court rulings have exposed illegal surveillance programs, emphasizing the importance of privacy rights protection.
  • 🤕 The struggle against government overreach and abuse of power remains a persistent challenge in the digital age.
  • ✊ Edward Snowden advocates for a more compassionate and informed application of the pardon power for whistleblowers acting in the public interest.
  • 🗯️ The significance of historical injustices in shaping the current debate on privacy rights and government accountability is highlighted.
  • 🗯️ Calls for a broader understanding of privacy rights beyond political rhetoric and towards fundamental values of democracy are essential.
  • 😀 Edward Snowden's case exemplifies the ongoing battle for individual liberties and accountability in the face of government overreach.
  • 👋 The need for a fair and just legal system that upholds the public interest and protects whistleblowers acting in the best interest of the nation is critical.


[Laughter] good to see you again man good to see you thanks for having me it's uh been like a year it's been like a year believe it or not you look exactly the same and the studio looks exactly the same you might be on another part of the world no one knows yeah it's just uh my my apartment that i rent you know i i don't like to give out a lot of i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What recent court ruling regarding NSA surveillance programs did Edward Snowden discuss?

Edward Snowden talked about a recent ruling from an appeals court, determining NSA's bulk collection of Americans' phone records as illegal. It was a crucial victory for privacy rights and a step towards curbing government surveillance.

Q: How does the debate on privacy rights transcend political affiliations, according to Edward Snowden?

Edward Snowden highlighted that the fight for privacy rights is not a simple political issue but a broader concern about individual liberties and accountability. It goes beyond partisan divides and speaks to the core values of democracy.

Q: How does Edward Snowden address the misuse of the pardon power by past presidents in comparison to his case?

Edward Snowden refrains from directly asking for a pardon, emphasizing that the focus should be on pardoning all whistleblowers who acted in the public interest and faced unjust consequences. He advocates for a fair and compassionate use of the pardon power.

Q: What key lesson does Edward Snowden draw from historical instances of government abuses related to individual privacy?

From historical occurrences of violations of civil liberties, Edward Snowden underscores the need for a systemic change to prevent recurring injustices. The recurring pattern of abuse underscores the necessity for continuous vigilance and advocacy for privacy rights.


In this video, Edward Snowden discusses the recent ruling by the ninth district court of appeals on the illegality of the NSA's bulk collection of Americans' phone records. He explains the significance of this ruling and how it is a victory for privacy rights. Snowden also delves into the history of the Patriot Act and its disingenuous name, as well as the dangers of allowing companies like Facebook and Google to have access to our private communications. He discusses the NSO Group and their Pegasus malware, which targets flaws in popular devices like iPhones. Snowden emphasizes the importance of accountability and criminal liability for those who violate privacy rights. Despite the challenges, he remains optimistic and believes that change is possible.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the recent ruling by the ninth district court of appeals?

The recent ruling by the ninth district court of appeals stated that the NSA's bulk collection of Americans' phone records was illegal. This ruling is significant because it came from a panel of judges and not just a single judge. It is a victory for privacy rights and a blow to the federal surveillance programs.

Q: What is the significance of this ruling?

This ruling is significant because it vindicates what Edward Snowden exposed in 2013 about the warrantless wiretapping program. It confirms that the government's actions were illegal and violated privacy rights. It sets a precedent and raises questions about the extent of government surveillance and the need for checks and balances.

Q: What was the provision in the Patriot Act that allowed for the bulk collection of phone records?

There was a provision in the Patriot Act that allowed for the bulk collection of phone records, known as Section 215. This provision was misleadingly named and gave the government broad powers to collect Americans' phone records without individualized suspicion.

Q: How does the NSA's bulk collection of phone records violate privacy rights?

The NSA's bulk collection of phone records violates privacy rights because it involves collecting and analyzing the metadata of millions of Americans' phone calls. This information can reveal intimate details about an individual's life, including their social connections, activities, and even political affiliations. It is a mass surveillance program with no individualized suspicion.

Q: Why is the name "Patriot Act" disingenuous?

The name "Patriot Act" is disingenuous because it implies that being against the act is against patriotism. It creates a false dichotomy where those who oppose the act are labeled as unpatriotic. Furthermore, the act itself has provisions that infringe on civil liberties, such as allowing for warrantless searches and surveillance.

Q: How do companies like Facebook and Google handle requests for user data?

Companies like Facebook and Google have access to users' communications and data, and they have the ability to hand over this information to the government when requested. While they may do a good job in protecting user privacy from external threats, they still have the ability to access and share user data with authorities under certain circumstances, such as a court warrant.

Q: What is end-to-end encryption and why are companies pushing back against banning it?

End-to-end encryption is a method of secure communication where only the individuals at either end of a communication have access to the encryption keys to decrypt the messages. Companies like Facebook and Google have started implementing this technology to ensure that even they cannot access users' communications. However, some governments and law enforcement agencies argue that by implementing end-to-end encryption, companies are hindering their ability to investigate crimes and gather evidence. This has sparked a debate about striking a balance between privacy and security.

Q: What is the NSO Group and what does their Pegasus malware do?

The NSO Group is an Israeli company that specializes in developing and selling malware, particularly their Pegasus malware. Pegasus is designed to exploit vulnerabilities in popular devices, especially iPhones. Once installed, it can grant the attacker complete control and access to the targeted device, including access to calls, messages, and other private information.

Q: How does the NSO Group's Pegasus malware target iPhones more effectively?

The NSO Group's Pegasus malware targets iPhones more effectively because iPhones, despite their security measures, are a monoculture, meaning that a large number of people use iPhones, and they tend to run on a similar version of iOS. This makes it easier for attackers to exploit specific vulnerabilities and gain access to a wide range of devices. In contrast, Android phones have a diversified ecosystem with various versions and hardware configurations, making it harder to develop exploits that work universally.

Q: What is the role of the Citizen Lab in investigating state-sponsored malware attacks?

Citizen Lab is a research group based at a university in Canada. They specialize in investigating and exposing state-sponsored and corporate malware attacks on civil society. They have been at the forefront of researching the actions of the NSO Group and tracking their targets. Their work plays a crucial role in raising awareness, holding governments accountable, and advocating for better privacy protections.

Q: What has been the response from the government and the courts to the illegality of the surveillance programs?

The response from the government and the courts has been mixed. While the recent ruling by the ninth district court of appeals highlights the illegality of the NSA's surveillance programs, it alone does not guarantee significant changes. The government has a team of skilled lawyers who try to find loopholes and slightly modify the programs to continue their activities. Additionally, there is a lack of criminal liability for those responsible for violating privacy rights, which perpetuates a culture of unaccountability and impunity.


Edward Snowden's discussion sheds light on the importance of privacy rights and the need for checks and balances on government surveillance. The recent ruling by the ninth district court of appeals, declaring the NSA's bulk collection of phone records illegal, is seen as a victory for privacy rights. However, there is still a long way to go in holding government officials accountable and ensuring meaningful change. The challenges lie in the culture of unaccountability and the power imbalances that exist. Nevertheless, Snowden emphasizes the importance of optimism, as change is possible, but it requires structural changes and a collective effort from individuals to demand privacy rights and accountability from those in power.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Edward Snowden discusses recent court ruling on NSA surveillance programs, finding them illegal.

  • The struggle against the overreaching power of the government continues.

  • The need for privacy rights protection and accountability in the digital age is emphasized.

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