Joe Rogan Experience #1518 - David Choe | Summary and Q&A

July 31, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1518 - David Choe


Battling self-doubt, exploring self-growth in mundane moments with introspection and humanity.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Embracing discomfort can lead to personal growth and overcoming fears.
  • ❓ Cancel culture's impact on individuals and society is explored through personal anecdotes.
  • 🤳 Confronting internal struggles and traumas requires vulnerability and self-reflection.
  • 🍵 Challenging cultural stereotypes and handling racist encounters require empathy and resilience.


hello david what's up buddy if i leave right now this will be the shortest one you've ever done ever ever now you don't have to do this i know you're worried you're gonna say some crazy [ __ ] and uh you're going to torpedo your life now that you're a cult guru with strawberry blonde hair it's more uh strawberry blonde well i did it's a home job it... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the comedian address his nervousness and self-doubt?

The comedian faces his fears head-on by leaning into discomfort and embracing moments of uncertainty, like feeling nervous before public appearances.

Q: What insight does the conversation provide about cancel culture?

The conversation sheds light on the comedian's experiences with cancel culture, highlighting the addictive nature of being canceled and finding growth through adversity.

Q: How does the comedian reflect on past traumas and challenges in his life?

The comedian delves into personal traumas, reflecting on past adversity like abuse and setbacks, acknowledging that every challenge has led to personal growth and resilience.

Q: How does the comedian navigate cultural stereotypes and racist encounters?

The comedian shares experiences of facing racism and cultural stereotypes, emphasizing the impact of hurtful encounters and striving to rise above divisive attitudes with humor and introspection.


In this video, David Cho discusses his anxiety and self-doubt before appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. He shares his struggles with self-worth and self-acceptance, as well as his unconventional and sometimes controversial approach to podcasting and creative expression. Despite his doubts, Cho emphasizes the importance of embracing discomfort and the value of taking risks in order to create great art.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does David Cho feel nervous before appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience?

David Cho feels nervous before appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience because he has a fear of saying something crazy or offensive and ruining his life. Despite being a successful artist and podcaster, he still worries about how he will be perceived and fears being cancelled.

Q: What did David Cho do to try and overcome his nerves?

David Cho tried to lean into discomfort and follow the advice of his therapist. He started by embracing the things he least wanted to share and even made himself physically ill before the podcast. He also considered the breakfast he had that morning as a possible cause of his anxiety.

Q: Why does David Cho enjoy being cancelled?

David Cho enjoys being cancelled because he believes it leads to bigger and better things in his life. He sees it as a necessary part of growth and is not afraid of the backlash from people on social media. He even compares it to the pile-ons seen in the Michael Jordan documentary and relishes in the opportunity to overcome adversity.

Q: How does David Cho respond to compliments about himself?

David Cho has a low threshold for receiving compliments and struggles with accepting them. He is not used to hearing positive things about himself and tends to downplay or reject compliments. He attributes this to his lack of self-esteem and negative self-opinions.

Q: Why does David Cho believe that comfort is the killer of creativity?

David Cho believes that comfort is the killer of creativity because it can breed complacency and limit one's willingness to take risks. He argues that great art is often born out of struggle and discomfort, and that comfort can stifle the drive to create something new and original.

Q: Did David Cho try pursuing happiness over great art?

David Cho admits that he has not tried pursuing happiness over great art. He believes that the struggle and self-doubt he experiences are essential elements in his creative process. While he acknowledges that he could choose happiness, he is currently content with his life and does not see a need to prioritize it over his artistic pursuits.

Q: What unconventional podcast ideas did David Cho consider?

David Cho considered creating podcasts with unconventional topics and approaches. For example, he considered the idea of becoming the color blue and interviewing someone who is the color yellow. He also thought about doing a podcast in a made-up language or one where he interviews himself as a kidnap victim.

Q: Why did David Cho engage in unconventional podcasting practices?

David Cho engaged in unconventional podcasting practices because he felt dissatisfied and bored with traditional formats. He wanted to challenge himself and push the boundaries of what a podcast could be. By experimenting with different approaches, he aimed to create more exciting and interesting content.

Q: Has David Cho ever heard of psychodrama therapy?

David Cho is familiar with psychodrama therapy, a technique that involves reenacting traumatic moments in order to process and overcome them. He mentions that he has done hundreds of these sessions and finds them helpful in rewiring his brain and gaining a new perspective on past experiences.

Q: Has David Cho ever done a psychodrama with himself?

David Cho wonders if anyone has ever done a psychodrama with themselves, as he often hears multiple voices in his head. He recognizes that these voices can lead to self-doubt and self-sabotage, and wonders if it would be possible to reenact and rewrite these internal dialogues to create a more positive and empowering narrative.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Comedian confronts personal struggles by leaning into discomfort, embracing fears of public exposure.

  • Reflections on cancel culture through personal experiences and self-deprecation to heal internal wounds.

  • Insights on self-discovery and personal growth revealed through interactions and mundane routines.

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