Joe on Dave Chappelle Getting Tackled Onstage | Summary and Q&A

May 5, 2022
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Joe on Dave Chappelle Getting Tackled Onstage

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In this video, Joe Rogan discusses the incident where Dave Chappelle was attacked at the Hollywood Bowl. He provides details of the attack and expresses his concern about the lack of security at the event. Rogan also addresses the criticism Chappelle has faced for his jokes about trans people, arguing that they are not transphobic but rather a way of including trans people in the conversation. He emphasizes the importance of being able to discuss these topics openly and engage in meaningful dialogue amidst the polarization of political ideologies.

Questions & Answers

Q: What happened to Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl?

Last night, someone attacked Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl, but fortunately, he is fine. Rogan personally checked in with Chappelle and he was in good spirits, even laughing about it. There is a video of the incident where Chappelle was seen laughing right after the attack.

Q: Who jumped on stage to help Chappelle during the attack?

Jamie Foxx, who was also present at the event, jumped on stage to assist Chappelle. He wore a cowboy hat and was involved in subduing the attacker.

Q: What was the physical condition of the attacker after the incident?

The attacker, who was described as being around five feet tall, had a broken arm as a result of the scuffle. One can observe the injury when he was being led into the stretcher. Additionally, his left side of the face was visibly swollen from being punched.

Q: How did Chappelle handle the attack?

Chappelle displayed good reflexes and quickly turned with the attacker during the altercation, showcasing his agility. Despite the surprise nature of the attack, Chappelle's instincts kicked in and he even came back on stage after initially running away, realizing that he should continue with his performance.

Q: How did the incident highlight the lack of security at the Hollywood Bowl?

It was evident from the video that there was no security present in the front row, which is concerning considering the rising incidents of attacks on comedians. Rogan remarks that there should have been someone scanning the audience for potential threats.

Q: Why has there been criticism of Chappelle's jokes about trans people?

Some people have labeled Chappelle's jokes as transphobic, but Rogan argues otherwise. He explains that Chappelle's jokes are not derogatory towards trans people but rather feature them as part of his comedic material. For example, in his last special, Chappelle's jokes paid tribute to a trans person who supported him and tragically passed away.

Q: Why does Rogan believe that including trans people in comedy sets is important?

Rogan suggests that including trans people in comedy sets signifies their equal representation in the larger conversation. It demonstrates that they are part of the cultural landscape and allows for a broader discussion about topics like trans rights, while disallowing these subjects from being completely off-limits.

Q: What is Rogan's opinion on the current state of political polarization?

Rogan expresses his concern about the intense polarization between Democrats and Republicans, where everything is perceived as an "us versus them" mentality. He argues that navigating through this anger and divisiveness is crucial and encourages seeking common ground and open dialogue.

Q: How does Rogan feel about the limitations on discussing sensitive topics?

Rogan believes that restricting discussions on hot-button issues is counterproductive. He highlights the importance of being able to freely communicate, even if the subject matter seems contentious. It is essential to have conversations about critical societal issues rather than avoiding them altogether.

Q: What recent event did Rogan mention in relation to the sensitivity surrounding discussion?

Rogan mentions an incident involving Jen Saki, a White House representative, who cried during an interview while discussing the supposed "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida. He remarks that this incident exemplifies the need to see beyond anger for opponents and acknowledge the nuances of complex issues.


In today's polarized society, it is crucial to move past anger and division and engage in meaningful conversations about challenging topics. The attack on Dave Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl highlights the need for better security measures at events. Furthermore, the criticism Chappelle faces for his jokes involving trans people underscores the importance of recognizing comedy as a platform for inclusion and discussion, rather than stifling dialogue by labeling sensitive subjects as taboo. We must strive to communicate openly and have nuanced conversations that address prominent social issues.

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